Monday, May 11, 2015

Auric Circle

There is a great auric circle of protection, which is a shelter to the soul, mind and body against outside psychic influences directed consciously or unconsciously against the individual. In these days of widespread though imperfect knowledge of psychic phenomena, it is especially important that one should be informed as to this great shield of protection. From the reference to the philosophy underlying it, it may be said that this auric circle is formed by making the mental image, accompanied by the demand of will, of the aura being surrounded by a great band of pure clear white light. A little perseverance will enable you to create this on the astral plane, and though (unless you have the astral vision) you cannot see it actually, yet you will actually feel its protective presence so that you will know that it is there guarding you.
This white auric circle will be an effective and infallible armor against all forms of psychic attack or influence, no matter from whom it may emanate, or whether directed consciously or unconsciously. It is a perfect and absolute protection, and the knowledge of its protective power should be sufficient to drive fear from the heart of all who have dreaded psychic influence, “malicious animal magnetism” (so-called), or anything else of the kind, by whatever name known. It is also a protection against psychic vampirism, or draining of magnetic strength.
The auric circle is, of course, really egg-shaped, or oval, for it fringes the aura as the shell cases the egg. See yourself, mentally, as surrounded by this great white auric circle of protection, and let the idea sink into your consciousness. Realize its power over the influences from outside, and rejoice in the immunity it gives you.
The auric circle, however, will admit any outside impressions that you really desire to come to you, while shutting out the others. That is, with this exception, that if your inner soul recognizes that some of these desired influences and impressions are apt to harm you (though your reason and feeling know it not) then will such impressions be denied admittance. For the white light is the radiation of spirit, which is higher than ordinary mind, emotion or body and is master of all. And its power, even though we can but imperfectly represent it even mentally, is such that before its energy, and in its presence, in the aura, all lower vibrations are neutralized and disintegrated.
The highest and deepest occult teaching is that the white light must never be used for purpose of attack or personal gain, but that it may properly be used by anyone, at any time, to protect against outside psychic influences against which the soul protests. It is the armor of the soul, and may well be employed whenever or wherever the need arises.
Throughout the pages of this little book have been scattered crumbs of teaching other than those concerning the aura alone. Those for whom these are intended will recognize and appropriate them–the others will not see them, and will pass them by. One attracts his own to him. Much seed must fall on waste places in order that here and there a grain will find lodgment in rich soil awaiting its coming. True occult knowledge is practical power and strength. Beware of prostituting the higher teachings for selfish ends and ignoble purposes. To guard and preserve your own will is right; to seek to impose your will upon that of another is wrong. Passive resistance is often the strongest form of resistance–this is quite different from nonresistance.

There is inner and outer Aura. What’s the difference between your inner and outer aura? The inner aura is a reflection of your spiritual health aura and  outer aura is your luminous energy field. Both of these auras eminate from your skin outwards. The inner aura will expand anywhere from 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) from your body while your outer aura will extend several feet from your body.
Before you try to see your inner aura, take a few deep breaths to relax yourself. Then, hold your hand about 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 centimeters) from your eyes as  Be sure to remain relaxed.
For best results, use a background wall that is either white or off-white. What you will initially see is a clear, translucent energy emanating about an eighth of an inch (3 millimeters) off of your hand.  This is the energy you’re looking for. The energy will start out as being translucent but will quickly begin t become brighter, almost white.
Now that you know how to see your energy, you can watch it expand to your full aura.  What I recommend is to use your bathroom mirror (assuming there is a white or off-white background in your reflection).
Pick a point on your body where you can focus on this energy.  I usually pick a spot on my shoulder.  Once you begin to see your energy, it will begin to expand to show the color of your aura.  Your aura’s energy will expand anywhere from 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) from your body.  As long as you can remain relaxed, it will stay there but what often happens is that you will get excited and will lose your focus on it, then it disappears.
There is an additional outer aura that you might see as well.  This takes a little extra time and effort to see.  As you continue to stay relaxed, you will see your aura expand anywhere from 10 to 20 inches (25 to 50 centimeters) from your body.
It’s pretty difficult for most people to see the aura of a person who is in motion, but like anything, if you practice this ability, then you’ll be able to see auras in anyone at any time.
You can also see the aura of animals, trees, flowers, etc…
Your aura may change at any given time.  My aura fluctuates from green to blue, which tells me that my aura is going back and forth from the heart to the throat chakras.
There are no wrong colors in an aura.  If you see one of your root chakra colors (red, orange or yellow), then this tells you what areas you may have a chakra blockage and gives you the opportunity to clear these blockages so you can advance into the higher chakras.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Matching your aura with environment

Release all preconceptions of what it will look like or feel like to see an aura, and be aware that it will be a subtle experience, with fine perceptions. Have faith, also, and believe that you will see what exists, and do not doubt. Do not allow yourself to fall into the common trap of doubting, and then discrediting what you see. You have learned to trust your first intuitive impression when practicing the intuition technique in reading the field intuitively, trust your impressions now in your efforts to learn to see the aura.
When we match vibrational frequencies (spectra) of what we wear with these emitted naturally by our body and mind we seem to create conditions to experience a state of harmony which is quite unique. The effect can be compared to “tuning” of a musical instrument. Without tuning, all you can make with the instrument is noise, rather than a harmonious music. Essentially there are 3 techniques for matching you Aura with surroundings:

Matching your strong point. When we learn what are "strong points" (dominant colors) in our own Aura we can attempt to match our surroundings or clothes with our Aura. Re-decorating our home to achieve a better match will result in a positive stimulation of our psyche and will help to promote our well being in many aspects. According to what Nature does to stimulate us, we should use Auric color pairs aiming for such a match. For example if your Aura is predominantly green, you should use green as well as a light pink in your decorations or apparels.
Match our surroundings to the frequencies of thoughts. Frequencies of thoughts were described in the Section dealing with meaning of colors in the Aura. For example, if you think about relaxing your mind (a blue thought) blue surroundings will amplify your thought. Note, that when you come out of the house in the morning and the sky is perfectly blue - you feel relaxed before you have the time to think about anything else. This is because any thought in the direction of relaxing the mind is assisted by blue vibration of the sky. When the sky is gray, you have depressing thoughts before you notice it. Note that blue jeans fashion is very popular, because it assists us in achieving a relaxed mind. Trying to promote brown jeans may prove quite useless.
Match the frequency distribution along the body. This seems to be the Ultimate Natural stimulation, but requires specially designed clothes such as the Chakra Shirt. Results seem to be quite similar to the action of the acupuncture, but instead of needles a set of 16 key colors is used. Some spectacular improvements in people's bio-energy field (Aura) have been observed within minutes of putting it on.

          In any case, use of clean, near monochromatic (rainbow) colors seems essential. They can be subtle and delicate, but they should contain a distinctly clean "rainbow" harmonics of vibration.

Left: Improvement to human bioenergy field after a few minutes of bioresonant color stimulation. Composite reconstruction of human bioenergy field using the method of Korotkov.

Suppressing the Aura

Things which seem to reduce, muffle or distort your bio-energy (Aura) are:
fear, stress, anxiety, hatred, envy, jealousy or any other negative thought or feeling
Physical crisis in your body - disease, artificial stimulation (drugs) etc.. These can show a temporary increase in the aura size - this effect is similar to the effect of your body raising the temperature during sickness. You need to learn to READ the Aura to diagnose such a crisis. Most likely such increased Aura will be white.
Clothes and the environment clashing with your Aura. Dull colored clothes absorb your bio-energy rather than harmoniously enhancing it. It is interesting to note that males on Earth die much earlier than females, regardless of their cultural and ethnic background, diet etc. In my opinion it is related to the fact that males dress in black or gray colors for the most of their lives and rarely use colors. Females use much more colors in their garments and change them frequently. Interestingly, many male birds in Nature are much brighter colored than females. And they live longer. Nature always gives us a hint. All we need to do is observe it and adopt ideas from it. An immediate effect of wearing gray, black or brown clothes seems that that they make you tired quicker. Have you noticed that young people today look much older than they should?

Isn't it logical that we should avoid all of the above if possible? “Cultivating” any of the above for prolonged time can have a permanent effect on your psyche and your Aura.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cosmic energy in the Human body expres throw Aura and how we can see it

The Aura is a reflection of our True Nature at any given moment. At this point it is perhaps necessary to explain what do I mean by "True Nature" and why some effort is necessary to "discover" it. Our society seems to emphasize symbols, stereotypes, habits, manners, superficial behavior, pretending, following others and submitting free will to some "leaders". Our "education" seems to be based on views and expectations of people who try to control the flock.

Our True Nature is what is left when we recognize and discard all our habits, stereotypes, manners, and pretending, superficial behavior and become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Note that some people are so attached to their manners and habits that it is very hard, if not impossible, to discover who they really are. The only way to get an instant insight into their personality seems to be by watching their Aura, because the Aura shows their True Nature, behind any facade of superficial behavior.

In general, the more colorful, cleaner and brighter the Aura, the better and more spiritually advanced is the person. Also, the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the healthier and more balanced the person is.

Distribution of the energy in the Aura seems to have the potential of a powerful medical diagnostic tool, but usually requires using a complex equipment. The scope of this article is to concentrate on what we can easily see with our eyes.

Our Aura surrounds the entire body, but the interpretation of colors below relates to the Aura around the head only. Meaning of colors around the head presented below suggested in the literature has been confirmed by the author. When you learn to see Aura well, you can verify it for yourself, by concentrating on certain thoughts while watching your Aura, or telling people what their thoughts are when you see their Auras.

Usually, people have one or two dominating colors (strong points) in their Aura. These colors (or their Auric pairs) will be most likely their favorite colors.

In addition to dominant colors, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings and desires, which appear like "flashes", "clouds" or "flames", usually further away from the head. For example a flash of orange in the Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control. Orange as a dominant color is a sign of power and general ability to control people. Quickly changing "flashes" indicate quickly changing thoughts.
How we can train ourself to see Aura
This exercise is designed to see Aura for the first time and/or practice seeing Auras. Choosing good conditions is important: not only you see the Aura better, but also to gain a confidence about what you see.
Situate the person in front of a very softly illuminated plain white background. A color background will change Aura colors, so you need additional knowledge about combining colors. Some combinations of background and Aura colors may cause misinterpretation problems.
Choose one spot to look at. The middle of the forehead is very good. This is a location of so called Brow Chakra or the Third Eye. In some cultures (India) they put a mark on a forehead. Such a mark in ancient times could mean the invitation to look and see the Aura.
Look at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer
After 30 seconds analyze surroundings with your peripheral vision, while still looking at the same spot. Continuing the concentration is most important. Resist temptation to look around. You should see that the background nearby the person is brighter and has a diferent color than the background further away. This is your own perception of the Aura. The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it. Remember, concentration on one spot increases your sensitivity by accumulating the effect of the Aura vibration reaching your eyes.
Taking a snapshot of an Aura.

After concentrating long enough to see the aura, close your eyes. For a second or two you will see the Aura ONLY. Be prepared. You have only one second or two until your photosensitive cells will stop vibrating and sending visual sensations to the brain. And if you miss is, you have to start concentrating again. Try to experiment how fast or slow you should 

How to see your own Aura

Stand about 1.5 m in front of a good size mirror. In the beginning it is best if the background behind you is plain white and there are no shadows. Illumination should be VERY soft and uniform not bright. Follow instructions above for seeing Auras.

PRACTICE for at least 10-15 minutes each day to increase your sensitivity and develop Auric sight. Remember that practice is required to develop Auric sight.
There are some simple ways by which we can train ourselves how to view auras. Here is a simple step by step guide:

– Start small. Human auras are more complex, so it may be beneficial to start with something simple. Plants are an excellent start when it comes to improving the reading of auras. It’s important that the leaves on the plant you pick don’t move in the wind – so a houseplant can make an excellent training object.

– Adjust your vision. Sit down, relax and focus on a spot at the top of the plant. Let your eyes go slightly out of focus. If you find this difficult, try to imagine that you are focusing on an invisible leaf, a few centimetres above the top of the plant.

– Perceive. Try to extend your visual perception outward from the proximity of the plant so that you can begin to see the complete aura of the plant. Remember that plants don’t have the colorful aura (which stems from emotional and mental information) like humans do, so don’t get frustrated if you cannot see what does not exist!

– Mirror Exercise. Now that you can see the aura of a plant, it’s time to apply your technique to seeing your own aura. You will need a mirror where you can properly see your upper body. Place a light source on either side of the mirror (a free-standing reading lamp is ideal), but make sure to place it so that it does not create a direct reflexion. Sit down in a chair in front of the mirror. Make sure you sit in a comfortable position. Like in the exercise with the plant, adjust your vision to let your eyes go slightly out of focus by looking at an area just above one of your shoulders. Soon you should be able to see a thin white glow around your head – your ‘inner aura’ or ‘energosoma’ – your energetic body.

– Practice, practice, practice. The ‘inner aura’ is the easiest to see, but once you get comfortable seeing that, you should gradually move your focus further out to see the more subtle parts of the aura itself. The more you practice, the wider the visual perception will grow and the quicker you will become in tuning in to seeing auras.

Observing auras of other people

The best is to look directly at someone's brow chakra (third eye or wisdom eye, which is located
1.5 cm above the nose, between eyes) and aim to achieve the state of mind similar to the concentration technique described above for at least 30-60 seconds. I have tried also looking at throat and heart chakras with similar results. However, if you concentrate on someone's chest it looks so unusual that the person concerned is usually very uneasy about it. When you look into someone's brow chakra you can actually continue conversation.

Again, VERY softly illuminated background, with no shadows is best. With practice, any uniformly illuminated background (such as a blue sky for example) will suffice.
Auric sight and after-images
Light sensors in our eyes (Red Green and Blue) are vibration sensors which are highly non-linear and they have memory. The consequence of memory is that they can oscillate for up to several seconds after the visual stimulation has been discontinued.

This memory of visual stimulation is frequently perceived as afterimage. Afterimages have a precisely the same shape as original images. Afterimage of an object surrounded by its Aura is larger than the original image. The increase in such afterimage is due to the vibration of an Aura and actually represents a "snapshot" of an Aura. It is therefore essential to focus at one spot when watching the Aura and resist temptation to change the point of focus, otherwise an image of the Aura may become confused with the afterimage of an object.