physical body is a series of separate, yet related systems of energy. This
system is referred to in the ancient texts as the Chakras. A Chakra is the
interface point between the physical and non-physical form. The Chakra wheels
of light are structural blueprints, serving a conduits for the compliment
energy information held in the Higher Self or Cosmic Forces. They lie along a
linear pathway between the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the cranium, and
the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Actually we have 72 Chakras
on the body and 22 which we can work with our inner self, including the 7
primary Chakras
Color: Red
at the base of the spine (Kidneys - Spinal Column)
the Kidneys and feeds the life giving system - the will to live - and the
fundamental instincts for survival. Stores our Chi energy.
Crystal: Jasper, Clear Quartz
grounding; Kundalini energy is stored here, transformation can occur when these
energies are aroused and allowed to rise up within you and penetrate each
Chakra above. The energy joins the Shakti energy at the Heart Center, continues
on and leaves the body through the top of the head - or Crown Chakra. As this
happens, spiritual growth and awareness of other levels of energy and perceptions
Sexual Organs, Sacral - Lower back
between the Asis bones of the hips. Vitalizes the sexual life organs of
reproduction and processes prana (or oxygen) from the atmosphere which then
vitalizes the entire system of major and minor Chakras.
Crystal: Topaz, Carnelian
health, sexual energies, digestion, and purification. This energy can be used
for creativity, spiritual awareness and integration. It also influences our
Plexus Chakra:
- Adrenals - Stomach - Gall Bladder - Nervous System
the sympathetic nervous system, which activates our involuntary muscles and
gets the body ready for activity. (Adrenaline) This Chakra can bring to us joy,
sadness, gut feeling reactions and heightens emotion.
Crystal: Emerald, Black Obsidian
is the male creative force or YANG energy in the body. It brings to us our
desires, other people, and controls our emotions and physical power. The Solar
Plexus energy helps to create our future and causes us to have "gut
feeling reactions" or "psychic impressions". When out of balance
or holding negative energy, it can cause us to think and act in unhealthy ways.
the possibilities of choices. What are the consequences of my actions and how
will they be effected? Take a different choice than your conditioned response
by following your intuition and integrity. Witness your body's energies - do
you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? When we choose actions that bring
happiness to others the energy that returns to us is happiness and success.
This is a very important Chakra and houses our will, intention and integrity.
Center Chakra:
- Circulatory System - Blood
the life stream through the pumping of the heart center, and controls the
circulation of the blood. The heart feeds all cells within the body structure.
Vitalizes the vegas nerve, the largest nerve in the parasympathetic nervous
system. When open it helps us remove fear blocks, and brings compassion in the
form of spiritual love. Through our Heart Chakra we can feel a connection and
sense of oneness with others.
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Amber
Love, self-acceptance, and the place where Spirit can guide us to higher levels
of being and loving. The heart is the Mother in all of us. Kindness,
Forgiveness, Love, Peace and Harmony along with Laughter and Playfulness.
parathyroid - Alimentary canal - Lungs
between the shoulder blades. Vitalizes the lungs and voice. Communicates the
concrete thoughts received from the Solar Plexus.
Crystal: Sapphire, Turquoise
communication, affluence, discernment. This is the Mother Chakra and begins the
three YIN or female energy chakras of the body. You can inflict pain or
kindness with the voice. What is more important to know is the voice represents
our "Intent". We will decree a thing and it will be so. Therein lies
the mystery of manifestation. As Louise Hay states in "You Can Heal Your
Life", ..."where thoughts go, energy flows." Our life
experiences comes directly from our thoughts, then speaking it, then our
actions. Inherent within every intention and desire is the mechanics for it's
fulfillment. The voice had great organizing power.
Third Eye:
Ridge Chakra - Pituitary - Left Eye - Nose
the cerebellum (or lower brain) and central nervous system, which consist of
the brain fibers connected at the base of the brain and top of the spinal cord
- or 9th Chakra, and anchors the conscious stream from the etheric body.
Crystal: Ruby, Lapis
truth, freedom of the etheric double, intuition. The Third Eye helps you to see
all circumstances around you, and is the key to wisdom and
controlling/directing the "Life Force" energies. While meditating and
working the chakra energies, colors, pictures, feelings and an inner knowing
will come to you through the Third Eye. This is the ultimate power center for
healing others, and allows you to Astral Project or work with your
"etheric double" at will.
Crown Chakra:
of the top of the head
- Connects to 8th Chakra - 6 inches above the head - Right Eye
the cerebrum (or upper brain) and anchors the etheric stream into the physical
body. It is the direct connection to our Higher Self and brings reverence,
knowledge of Infinity, insights from the Spiritual Self - or Etheric Double and
brings dedication to God from the Spiritual Will.
Crystal: Diamond
Angels, Grace, Communing with the Divine Forces, Self-Realization. Through the
Crown Chakra you can literally reach the heavens or other energy realms. You
can rise through the center of your head and "astral travel" with
your Guides. You can project healing, and pure, unconditional love energies
anywhere in the Universe. This is where the "power of prayer" becomes
reinforced. This is the center where you bring in the Spiritual Forces through
Shakti Energy to purify the body and join the kundalini energies in order to
reach a "nirvana" or total purification and re calibration of the
cellular structure and DNA system of the body. You can "erase karma"
through Divine Grace brought through the Crown Chakra into the Heart Center.

seventh chakra, associated with the pineal gland, interfaces with an Infinite
Grid of radiant energy - information - light frequency - as well as a higher
HOLOGRAPHIC expression of itself as a pineal gland. It is through this
interface that the reality of the human experience becomes apparent. The human
being is not the individual and independent being as we perceive. Rather, it is
a continuation of energy seeking expression through multiple energy vortexes of
expression. The body is connected to one level of an interlocking series of
grids, connected to the Hierarchy, with each system sustaining its own range of
energy information. These grids, having seven sections or sets of vibrations,
with seven levels of knowledge in each section, are ranges of experience
referred to as Dimensions.
aging or illness, the Chakras begin to collapse into the body and slow their
rate of spinning. the ancients knew of this and designed rites or rituals of
mantras and meditation techniques to maintain the vitality and spin-rate of the
chakras. Recommended as a daily meditation practice, these movements are not
aerobic in nature, through they may be performed quickly and are used in
Tibetan Monasteries as a mode of prayer, meditation and physical maintenance.