Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Human Body

If we look upon the human body from the biological aspect we will see that it is contain from atoms  and its component parts, their nucleus, the center, which grouped into molecules build tissue which form organs. The nucleus is the very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom. Between the nucleus and the component parts of the atom, there is a big empty space, space of pure energy.
 In order for the body to function perfectly, the interrelationship between atoms in a molecule should be harmonious.
The level and the amount of the presence of certain metals and minerals in the human body are vital to the harmonious functioning and existence of the human body. This correlation for each body is different depending on the strength and height-frequency energy. Every body is very special story of itself and carries its own special stamp of their existence.

When the air enters inside the body, it carries maximum amount of oxygen but when it goes out, it carries carbon-dioxide enriched with emotions of our thought or spoken words. According to the polarity of physical body our total back is negative and total front is positive. Oxygen enters in the form of positive wave through spinal cord up to the coccyx level. Out going breath can be exhaled either through nostril or mouth.
When the excited electrons return back to the ground state of energy level, they would radiate huge amount of psychic energy which would be more than the energy put in at the time of its origination. While returning back of cosmic or psychic energy, it would heal the body instantly.
When the cosmic energy will follow the upward track from the ground state of energy level, it would jump beyond the periphery of consciousness i.e. mind.  It will also work for thought teleportation and telepathic communication. Telepathy may be categorized as single way and double way telepathy. In double way telepathy, sender and receiver are required, whereas in single way telepathy no one is required except the sender who can teleport the “thought from” in any space-time. Recent researches predict that in near future, telepathy would not only be a tool for mind to mind communication but implanting the message in sub-conscious mind of the receiver, which he will notice as an emotion or feeling. Sub conscious level of mind is the most important and powerful level. At sub conscious level, a man is fully conscious as well as unconscious. Conscious towards the goal, but semi conscious towards the surrounding. Altered state of consciousness and alpha brain wave pattern may transmit any thought from effectively, through projection in any space time.
Cosmic energy is categorized in to three major categories i.e. ground state of energy, psychic energy and mystical energy. Man has potential energy and when this potentiality meets with mind wave in the form of Kinetic energy, it becomes psychic energy. When mind ceases to work as corrective measure over the consciousness, it dominates the mind and becomes mystical energy. We inhale approximately one million oxygen atom in a single inhalation. Since every oxygen atom contains number of electrons, we actually inhale millions of electrons in a single inhalation. These electrons always move towards the ground state of energy level where they will be stored at coccyx point.

The radiant energy of creation penetrates to you and within you on a daily basis, incessantly. Wave packets of information, coded as geometric patterns of subtle energy carried upon waves of a broad spectrum of light contain knowledge and insight along with ideas and creativity - through Light! Every second of every day you are asked to process this information, determine what is useful to you and what is not, and store what is useful in a portion of your mind, body, spirit complex where the pattern of the memory will reside. Much passes by you, and much is absorbed as you grow along your personal time line and open up to the Matrix Grid. Any and all knowledge is accessible to you, instantaneously!

The key here is to remember that all wavelengths of energy information may not be used by the body. Each chakra, through its spin rate, is in tune to vibrate within a specific range of frequency. These frequencies determine which portions of light are meaningful to your vibration rate and growth. The chakras, and the associated grids, respond only to the information to which they are tuned, allowing all remaining information to pass. It is through the resonant receptors of the genetic code that the body, individually and as a species, is able to tune the chakras, and access the living information of light as it passes through the body.

All information of creation is available to you. The information may not be meaningful, however, until we are able to bring it in to the body through the re-tuning of the Chakras

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