Thursday, February 26, 2015

Best way of body position for racing your energy

All ancient spiritual teachings as well as yoga, were given to mankind in order to turn toward oneself and to teach people how to focus and enhance their  energy vibration and his conscience.
To give to human the knowledge of himself and his huge internal undiscovered potential.
 What used to take years and generations to achieve persistent training and initiations, today it is much faster. Because the density of low-frequency expressed through strong materiality and due keeping  man in the darkness of fear and lack of information for easier  manipulation  and control, awakening and enlightenment were present in only a small number of people. In now days it is more and more people awakened because the frequency of the energy is more higher than in ancient time and they are more open for the vibration of light and information.
Racing our frequency of vibration we are racing the energy of our planet on higher frequency level.
 Passage of the energy takes place through our spinal column together with skull which make our body perfect transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic waves of life energy.  
To achieve this in maximum, fully, the best way is to sit in the lotus position where the spinal column is completely straight and close to the ground, forming a triangle.
Triangle is a perfect geometric and numerological equivalence to achieve maximum transmission of the energy. Geometry  and numerology has its sacred spiritual significance. It is an expression of divinity, the universal creation, universal love and lightness. This was well known to our ancestors who have tried to give us the information transmitted by various routes, both spiritual and visible.
Just to remind pyramid where based on square four triangles are due to amplification of drawing energy and its purified forms, is sent to Universe. Triangle is located at middle Ages icons and images. Spiritual and religious significance of radiation of the number three is the unity of the Trinity or the representation and radiation of the  creative vibration of the energy in three-dimensional human form.
Energy from the land uses and draws over 1 chakras and climbs and transforms into a high-frequency current along the spine of the skull and crown chakra, which is then sent to multiple frequency energy sphere. Depending on the degree of transience and the clearing of the energy centers in the human body takes place and the speed of transformation and transmission and receiving power.

In a given position of the legs are crossed at the point where they exit points from the leg saver which fits and is on the same level with one chakra or the beginning of the spinal column. The same procedure, hands in prayer position at the level of the heart chakra boosts the flow of energy from his hands. This position of the arms and legs closed process of losing energy from the body, thus energy reserves, amplifies and sends in more vibrational energy sphere.

Information energy through color and notes

The vibration of the energy of information and light can be express on different way’s and different frequencies which is acceptable from each person depending from her energetic level.
Every thing in our surrounding vibrate on different frequency and we can receive only that which are on the same level as our frequency. As much as we race up higher our energetic level, we will be open to the higher expression of the energy of information and light as color’s and notes. Colors and notes are expression of the different frequencies of the energy.
In viewing the 7 Chakra system, the colors appear from the first Chakra (root) to the seventh Chakra (crown), in a specific order. This should be very familiar to you as they are identical to the colors of the rainbow, except that the green and yellow vibrations are switched. Each color expresses a range of frequencies that fall within specific wavelengths of radiant information. The colors of the visible light system are just above Infrared and below Ultraviolet. The Chakras are specifically designed to act as one level of a tuning antenna, aligned with a note on the scale of seven. They intercept specific wavelengths of energy containing radiant information and bring that information down into the density of the body structure to utilize. Additionally, more refined tuning occurs at the molecular level, as genetic receptors receive information at an even greater level of vibration frequency.

The spin rate of the Chakras is a part of the fine tuning of this system. The higher chakras spin faster than the lower ones. There is a direct relationship between each individual chakra center and the specific ranges of energy within the human/creation Matrix. The chakra is the interface point, the energetic organ linking various aspects of the physical body to its non-physical counterparts...i.e. the Matrix Grid.
Through this resonate relationship you have access to the entire range of creation, an Infinite Grid, of information can be accessed through the body/chakra system. Using the interface points of the Chakras, you become a part of all that you see
The radiant energy of creation penetrates to you and within you on a daily basis, incessantly. Wave packets of information, coded as geometric patterns of subtle energy carried upon waves of a broad spectrum of light contain knowledge and insight along with ideas and creativity - through Light! Every second of every day you are asked to process this information, determine what is useful to you and what is not, and store what is useful in a portion of your mind, body, spirit complex where the pattern of the memory will reside. Much passes by you, and much is absorbed as you grow along your personal time line and open up to the Matrix Grid. Any and all knowledge is accessible to you, instantaneously!
The key here is to remember that all wavelengths of energy information may not be used by the body. Each chakra, through its spin rate, is in tune to vibrate within a specific range of frequency. These frequencies determine which portions of light are meaningful to your vibration rate and growth. The chakras, and the associated grids, respond only to the information to which they are tuned, allowing all remaining information to pass. It is through the resonant receptors of the genetic code that the body, individually and as a species, is able to tune the chakras, and access the living information of light as it passes through the body.
All information of creation is available to you. The information may not be meaningful, however, until we are able to bring it in to the body through the re-tuning of the Chakras.

Each of the chakras is energy vibrating at a certain frequency, in a logical and orderly sequence of seven vibrations. As we move up the scale, the elements become more and more subtle, moving through the five physical elements of earth, water, fire, air, and ether, to the spiritual elements of inner sound and inner light. The heaviest element is on the bottom, the lightest on the top. It is a logical and orderly sequence.
The colors of the spectrum also represent a series of seven vibrations in a logical and orderly sequence, as do the notes of the musical scale. Thus, we can put the heaviest vibrations or the longest wavelength on the bottom and the lightest on the top, and a particular color can be used to represent a chakra in its clear state, as can a particular musical note. Music played in a certain key vibrates a particular chakra, and we feel a particular way when we hear that music. Our relationship with a certain color says something about our relationship with the part of our consciousness that the color represent.

Vibration of the energy in the human body throw Chakra’s

These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us.
The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.

All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, everything it is possible for you to experience, can be divided into seven categories. Each category can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness.
When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical body associated with that chakra. Where you feel the stress depends upon why you feel the stress. The tension in the chakra is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra, and transmitted to the parts of the body controlled by that plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time, or to a particular level of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level.
The symptom speaks a language that reflects the idea that we each create our reality, and the metaphoric significance of the symptom becomes apparent when the symptom is described from that point of view. Thus, rather than saying, "I can't see," the person would describe it as keeping themselves from seeing something. "I can't walk," means the person has been keeping themselves from walking away from a situation in which they are unhappy. And so on.
The symptom served to communicate to the person through their body what they had been doing to themselves in their consciousness. When the person changes something about their way of being, getting the message communicated by the symptom, the symptom has no further reason for being, and it can be released, according to whatever the person allows themselves to believe is possible.
I believe everything is possible.
I believe that anything can be healed. It's just a question of how to do it.

Understanding the chakras allows you to understand the relationship between your consciousness and your body, and to thus see your body as a map of your consciousness. It gives you a better understanding of yourself and those

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


The physical body is a series of separate, yet related systems of energy. This system is referred to in the ancient texts as the Chakras. A Chakra is the interface point between the physical and non-physical form. The Chakra wheels of light are structural blueprints, serving a conduits for the compliment energy information held in the Higher Self or Cosmic Forces. They lie along a linear pathway between the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the cranium, and the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Actually we have 72 Chakras on the body and 22 which we can work with our inner self, including the 7 primary Chakras

Root Chakra:
Color: Red
Located at the base of the spine (Kidneys - Spinal Column)
Vitalizes the Kidneys and feeds the life giving system - the will to live - and the fundamental instincts for survival. Stores our Chi energy.
Crystal: Jasper, Clear Quartz
For grounding; Kundalini energy is stored here, transformation can occur when these energies are aroused and allowed to rise up within you and penetrate each Chakra above. The energy joins the Shakti energy at the Heart Center, continues on and leaves the body through the top of the head - or Crown Chakra. As this happens, spiritual growth and awareness of other levels of energy and perceptions occur.

Spleen Chakra:
Color: Orange
Gonads, Sexual Organs, Sacral - Lower back
Located between the Asis bones of the hips. Vitalizes the sexual life organs of reproduction and processes prana (or oxygen) from the atmosphere which then vitalizes the entire system of major and minor Chakras.
Crystal: Topaz, Carnelian
For health, sexual energies, digestion, and purification. This energy can be used for creativity, spiritual awareness and integration. It also influences our self-esteem.

Solar Plexus Chakra:
Color: Green
Pancreas - Adrenals - Stomach - Gall Bladder - Nervous System
Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system, which activates our involuntary muscles and gets the body ready for activity. (Adrenaline) This Chakra can bring to us joy, sadness, gut feeling reactions and heightens emotion.
Crystal: Emerald, Black Obsidian
This is the male creative force or YANG energy in the body. It brings to us our desires, other people, and controls our emotions and physical power. The Solar Plexus energy helps to create our future and causes us to have "gut feeling reactions" or "psychic impressions". When out of balance or holding negative energy, it can cause us to think and act in unhealthy ways.
Creates the possibilities of choices. What are the consequences of my actions and how will they be effected? Take a different choice than your conditioned response by following your intuition and integrity. Witness your body's energies - do you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? When we choose actions that bring happiness to others the energy that returns to us is happiness and success. This is a very important Chakra and houses our will, intention and integrity.

Heart Center Chakra:
Color: Yellow
Thymus - Circulatory System - Blood
Vitalizes the life stream through the pumping of the heart center, and controls the circulation of the blood. The heart feeds all cells within the body structure. Vitalizes the vegas nerve, the largest nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system. When open it helps us remove fear blocks, and brings compassion in the form of spiritual love. Through our Heart Chakra we can feel a connection and sense of oneness with others.
Crystal: Rose Quartz, Amber
Unconditional Love, self-acceptance, and the place where Spirit can guide us to higher levels of being and loving. The heart is the Mother in all of us. Kindness, Forgiveness, Love, Peace and Harmony along with Laughter and Playfulness.

Throat Chakra:
Color: Blue
Thyroid, parathyroid - Alimentary canal - Lungs
Located between the shoulder blades. Vitalizes the lungs and voice. Communicates the concrete thoughts received from the Solar Plexus.
Crystal: Sapphire, Turquoise
Self-expression, communication, affluence, discernment. This is the Mother Chakra and begins the three YIN or female energy chakras of the body. You can inflict pain or kindness with the voice. What is more important to know is the voice represents our "Intent". We will decree a thing and it will be so. Therein lies the mystery of manifestation. As Louise Hay states in "You Can Heal Your Life", ..."where thoughts go, energy flows." Our life experiences comes directly from our thoughts, then speaking it, then our actions. Inherent within every intention and desire is the mechanics for it's fulfillment. The voice had great organizing power.

The Third Eye:
Color: Indigo
Brow Ridge Chakra - Pituitary - Left Eye - Nose
Vitalizes the cerebellum (or lower brain) and central nervous system, which consist of the brain fibers connected at the base of the brain and top of the spinal cord - or 9th Chakra, and anchors the conscious stream from the etheric body.
Crystal: Ruby, Lapis
Knowledge, truth, freedom of the etheric double, intuition. The Third Eye helps you to see all circumstances around you, and is the key to wisdom and controlling/directing the "Life Force" energies. While meditating and working the chakra energies, colors, pictures, feelings and an inner knowing will come to you through the Third Eye. This is the ultimate power center for healing others, and allows you to Astral Project or work with your "etheric double" at will.

The Crown Chakra:
Color: Violet
Center of the top of the head
Pineal - Connects to 8th Chakra - 6 inches above the head - Right Eye
Vitalizes the cerebrum (or upper brain) and anchors the etheric stream into the physical body. It is the direct connection to our Higher Self and brings reverence, knowledge of Infinity, insights from the Spiritual Self - or Etheric Double and brings dedication to God from the Spiritual Will.
Crystal: Diamond
Immortality, Angels, Grace, Communing with the Divine Forces, Self-Realization. Through the Crown Chakra you can literally reach the heavens or other energy realms. You can rise through the center of your head and "astral travel" with your Guides. You can project healing, and pure, unconditional love energies anywhere in the Universe. This is where the "power of prayer" becomes reinforced. This is the center where you bring in the Spiritual Forces through Shakti Energy to purify the body and join the kundalini energies in order to reach a "nirvana" or total purification and re calibration of the cellular structure and DNA system of the body. You can "erase karma" through Divine Grace brought through the Crown Chakra into the Heart Center.

The seventh chakra, associated with the pineal gland, interfaces with an Infinite Grid of radiant energy - information - light frequency - as well as a higher HOLOGRAPHIC expression of itself as a pineal gland. It is through this interface that the reality of the human experience becomes apparent. The human being is not the individual and independent being as we perceive. Rather, it is a continuation of energy seeking expression through multiple energy vortexes of expression. The body is connected to one level of an interlocking series of grids, connected to the Hierarchy, with each system sustaining its own range of energy information. These grids, having seven sections or sets of vibrations, with seven levels of knowledge in each section, are ranges of experience referred to as Dimensions.

In aging or illness, the Chakras begin to collapse into the body and slow their rate of spinning. the ancients knew of this and designed rites or rituals of mantras and meditation techniques to maintain the vitality and spin-rate of the chakras. Recommended as a daily meditation practice, these movements are not aerobic in nature, through they may be performed quickly and are used in Tibetan Monasteries as a mode of prayer, meditation and physical maintenance.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Human Body

If we look upon the human body from the biological aspect we will see that it is contain from atoms  and its component parts, their nucleus, the center, which grouped into molecules build tissue which form organs. The nucleus is the very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom. Between the nucleus and the component parts of the atom, there is a big empty space, space of pure energy.
 In order for the body to function perfectly, the interrelationship between atoms in a molecule should be harmonious.
The level and the amount of the presence of certain metals and minerals in the human body are vital to the harmonious functioning and existence of the human body. This correlation for each body is different depending on the strength and height-frequency energy. Every body is very special story of itself and carries its own special stamp of their existence.

When the air enters inside the body, it carries maximum amount of oxygen but when it goes out, it carries carbon-dioxide enriched with emotions of our thought or spoken words. According to the polarity of physical body our total back is negative and total front is positive. Oxygen enters in the form of positive wave through spinal cord up to the coccyx level. Out going breath can be exhaled either through nostril or mouth.
When the excited electrons return back to the ground state of energy level, they would radiate huge amount of psychic energy which would be more than the energy put in at the time of its origination. While returning back of cosmic or psychic energy, it would heal the body instantly.
When the cosmic energy will follow the upward track from the ground state of energy level, it would jump beyond the periphery of consciousness i.e. mind.  It will also work for thought teleportation and telepathic communication. Telepathy may be categorized as single way and double way telepathy. In double way telepathy, sender and receiver are required, whereas in single way telepathy no one is required except the sender who can teleport the “thought from” in any space-time. Recent researches predict that in near future, telepathy would not only be a tool for mind to mind communication but implanting the message in sub-conscious mind of the receiver, which he will notice as an emotion or feeling. Sub conscious level of mind is the most important and powerful level. At sub conscious level, a man is fully conscious as well as unconscious. Conscious towards the goal, but semi conscious towards the surrounding. Altered state of consciousness and alpha brain wave pattern may transmit any thought from effectively, through projection in any space time.
Cosmic energy is categorized in to three major categories i.e. ground state of energy, psychic energy and mystical energy. Man has potential energy and when this potentiality meets with mind wave in the form of Kinetic energy, it becomes psychic energy. When mind ceases to work as corrective measure over the consciousness, it dominates the mind and becomes mystical energy. We inhale approximately one million oxygen atom in a single inhalation. Since every oxygen atom contains number of electrons, we actually inhale millions of electrons in a single inhalation. These electrons always move towards the ground state of energy level where they will be stored at coccyx point.

The radiant energy of creation penetrates to you and within you on a daily basis, incessantly. Wave packets of information, coded as geometric patterns of subtle energy carried upon waves of a broad spectrum of light contain knowledge and insight along with ideas and creativity - through Light! Every second of every day you are asked to process this information, determine what is useful to you and what is not, and store what is useful in a portion of your mind, body, spirit complex where the pattern of the memory will reside. Much passes by you, and much is absorbed as you grow along your personal time line and open up to the Matrix Grid. Any and all knowledge is accessible to you, instantaneously!

The key here is to remember that all wavelengths of energy information may not be used by the body. Each chakra, through its spin rate, is in tune to vibrate within a specific range of frequency. These frequencies determine which portions of light are meaningful to your vibration rate and growth. The chakras, and the associated grids, respond only to the information to which they are tuned, allowing all remaining information to pass. It is through the resonant receptors of the genetic code that the body, individually and as a species, is able to tune the chakras, and access the living information of light as it passes through the body.

All information of creation is available to you. The information may not be meaningful, however, until we are able to bring it in to the body through the re-tuning of the Chakras

Monday, February 23, 2015

Human Body and Chakra’s

 The physical body is a series of separate, yet related systems of energy. This system is referred to in the ancient texts as the Chakras. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness.
 A Chakra is the interface point between the physical and non-physical form. The Chakra wheels of light are structural blueprints, serving a conduits for the compliment energy information held in the Higher Self or Cosmic Forces. They lie along a linear pathway between the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the cranium, and the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Actually we have 72 Chakras on the body and 22 which we can work with our inner self, including the 7 primary Chakras.
 Chakra is a Sanskrit word, and it means "wheel," or "vortex," because that's what it looks like when we look at it. Each chakra is like a solid ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body, in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body.
The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body, but they interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a particular group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.
Western Researchers have been able to validate the Chakras through the use of a sophisticated, non invasive scanner that simply listens to the body's radiant frequencies and are able to map out the Chakra System with precision. From these scans it is apparent that while the Chakra itself appears to be a flattened funnel shape, the actual portion of the vortex contacts the human body in minute - 1/8th of an inch in diameter. Each Chakra rotates at a specific speed that correlates with the frequency of it's function and each Chakra is attached to a gland in the body system. The vitality of each center is the determining factor in deterioration of the body. There is a difference between aging and deterioration of the body. The aging process is a chronological sequence of events that does not necessarily equate to deterioration of the body.
Each Chakra acts a transformer within the body. The purpose is to bring into the system a higher frequency of vibration, from the subtle portions of the Matrix Grid, into the thicker frequencies for purification and healing of negative energies. There are seven endocrine glands, each with a vibration and color, and one is assigned to each of the seven primary Chakras.
Only the Root - Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra are able to access and receive energies from the Higher Self. Any other Chakra can receive these energies only after they have been filtered through one of these three Chakras.
 Your consciousness, your experience of being, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness. When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness, and therefore in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra, and communicated to the parts of the body controlled by that plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time, or reaches a particular degree of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level. Again, the symptom served to communicate to the person through their body what they had been doing to themselves in their consciousness.

Cosmic Energy

The entire universe operates on a dynamic force, called cosmic energy. The cosmic energy is ever present, has an impact on each and every particle in the whole universe.
Everything from the smallest cell in the human body through to the millions and trillions of stars in the Cosmos are a living vibrating dance of pure energy
As cosmic energy touches Earth energy, creation manifests itself gloriously.
The cosmic energy can be converted from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.
The Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos. It is the Bond between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules. It is the 'space' between each and everything.
It is the bond, which keeps the whole cosmos in order.
Cosmic Energy is the 'Life Force'.
There's a lot of energy coming from the sky. The energy of the sun warms our planet and provides the energy needed for plants and animals to survive. Other suns and planets give off energy also. Like rain, we can block it or ignore it -- but it's still there. So let's use this energy.
Let's learn to absorb it and feel good and healthy.
"But I can't see cosmic energy."
Actually you can. The sun emits so much energy that it lights up our planet.
Cosmic energy is the dynamic movement of Atom. The whole universal system began from a single atom which is known as the Paramaa Anu or Aadhi Anu in Vedas. As we know, we can’t destroy the energy. The energy can transform into another form of energy. The existence of this energy is everywhere. The whole universal system is a living thing, because of this energy. The same energy takes a vital part in every living being. By controlling or transforming the energy, we are capable to get or achieve whatever we want.
This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our Consciousness.
Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions.
We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence.
We are using this energy for our day-to-day activities of our Mind like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our Body.
By using the cosmic energy We have all transformed ourselves and placed ourselves slap bang in the middle of our destiny and purpose. Experiencing the journey of our entirety in all its extremity and feeling very, very alive at this point in our ascension.
rezoniranje to Enerģijas
This limited energy gained through sleep is not sufficient for these activities. That is why we feel exhausted, tired and tensed. This leads to mental and physical stress and all kinds of illnesses.
The only way to over come this is to get more and more Cosmic Energy.
Cosmic Energy is essential to:
Maintain the order of our life
To lead a healthy and happy life
To totally involve in all situations we are in
To obtain Knowledge and many more as the user wishes .........
And finally
For expansion of our Consciousness.

Human Body - wonderful expression of the creation

The Human Body by itself is a great mystery and miracle of the creation by itself.
The human body is the denser layer of a multi-dimensional hierarchy in the continuation of creative forces. The human form is linked into multiple aspects of itself, each section expressing a range of frequencies or vibrations, within a network of zones of energy, spheres within spheres. The body is not separate from creation; the body may be viewed as a further expression of creation which is projected into a denser section of the Matrix. The body is the vehicle which enables the Soul to see, touch and feel. The ability to shift awareness from one level to another, a learned ability, is how we navigate through the Matrix Grid System.
Transition, thought transference, absent healing and out-of-body experiences, which transcend boundaries between the physical and non-physical is accomplished by learning to vibrate differently. (i.e. Kundalini Yoga, Mantras, Mudras, Music, Meditation)
Your body is the focal point, the resonator, through which waves or electric vibrations are able to pass through the Matrix Grid and bring you into higher state of consciousness as a form of expression. It is through the body that perceived limitations of the Matrix Grid System are overcome. This brings you, finally, into the Immortal State of Resurrection or Ascension.
 Within ancient texts and religious doctrines, repeatedly, the gift of the physical body and the gift of the etheric body is referred to and we are advised to use these gifts wisely. The body is referenced as a vessel or temple to be used as the God force. Through this passes the intelligence underlying all of creation! (1 Corinthians 3:16)
vibration of a human body.2
The Spiritual Mind, sometimes called the Higher Self consists of matter and ethers from the higher mental planes within other dimensions. This Higher Self expresses our Innate Divine Nature with clarity, syntheses and at-one-ment. When you merge into the energies and awareness of the Blessed Higher Self, by opening your Seven primary Chakras, you are able to perceive all forms of, ideas and knowledge within the proper perspective. This can cause emotional healing and bring you strength. The Higher Self is undistorted by our Illusions and has two functions:

  1. To have intuitive insights which are clear and brings to us new perceptions of truth.
  2. To convey clarity into the abstract body - which brings to us creativity - and inner strength through concrete thinking with our mental body.
 Therefore the Mental Body is concerned with knowledge or concrete thinking while the Etheric Body is concerned with Wisdom, which comes from its many, many lifetime experiences. The Higher Self brings to us Insights which are clear and helps us to alter and purify our perceptions of truth.
There are fields and cycles within the Matrix field. Each one of these fields is a course of study within itself. Each of these fields may be considered a Merkaba. There is an entire science, a very exact science, based upon the access and use of these patterns individually and as composite fields. Each time an individual form is accessed, and their vibration is lifted and purified, all fields of that form, timelines, ancestors, original family, are also accessed through resonance, deep within the Matrix Grid. This is the science of the Merkaba.
The Inter-Dimensional Connection
The physical body is a series of separate, yet related systems of energy. This system is referred to in the ancient texts as the Chakras.
zraceneje na vibraciiteA Chakra is the interface point between the physical and non-physical form. The Chakra wheels of light are structural blueprints, serving a conduits for the compliment energy information held in the Higher Self or Cosmic Forces. They lie along a linear pathway between the Crown Chakra, located at the top of the cranium, and the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. Actually we have 72 Chakras on the body and 22 which we can work with our inner self, including the 7 primary Chakras.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cosmic Energy - The Versatile Source

At the time, when Aristoteles borught up to the world of physics the word "ether", this word had already been known for millenia. Ether is a part of energy that had it's name in each culture. Toists  called it "čchi" Babylonians "ti", Inds "Ódžas", the japanese "rei ki", Hebrewests "ruach", Tibetians "šugs rlung", the vedisch religion "prána".
Four thousand years later okultist Reichenbach called the spatial  irradiation of life energy "ód". In many cases of the new history this energy of life matter that irradiates into it's surroundings was called "magnetism". This "magical" energy still calls up our attention that is even getting greater and that's why it would be appropriate to summarise it's very long terminology. In the literature it is usually described as cosmic energy. That's how we called it in our empirical research and I think that this name is appropriate.
Cosmic energy is categorized in to three major categories i.e. ground state of energy, psychic energy and mystical energy. Man has potential energy and when this potentiality meets with mind wave in the form of Kinetic energy, it becomes psychic energy. When mind ceases to work as corrective measure over the consciousness, it dominates the mind and becomes mystical energy. We inhale approximately one million oxygen atom in a single inhalation. Since every oxygen atom contains number of electrons, we actually inhale millions of electrons in a single inhalation. These electrons always move towards the ground state of energy level where they will be stored at coccyx point.
.When the cosmic energy will follow the upward track from the ground state of energy level, it would jump beyond the periphery of consciousness i.e. mind.  It will also work for thought teleportation and telepathic communication. Telepathy may be categorized as single way and double way telepathy. In double way telepathy, sender and receiver are required, whereas in single way telepathy no one is required except the sender who can teleport the “thought from” in any space-time. Recent researches predict that in near future, telepathy would not only be a tool for mind to mind communication but implanting the message in sub-conscious mind of the receiver, which he will notice as an emotion or feeling. Sub conscious level of mind is the most important and powerful level. At sub conscious level, a man is fully conscious as well as unconscious. Conscious towards the goal, but semi conscious towards the surrounding. Altered state of consciousness and alpha brain wave pattern may transmit any thought from effectively, through projection in any space time.
Science says that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed ,but can be transferred .
It is true even in metaphysical level. Energy may be defined as Source, God, Chi etc.
Philosophers call it as cosmic energy. It is this energy that makes the flowers to bloom, trees to bear fruits, the ants to work fast. It is in our body too as in any forms of life.
We consume energy from the food we eat, the juice we drink, the air we breath.
We get more energy through breathing exercise, sleeping, meditation.
Among these, it is through meditations we receive the highest quantity.
Sometimes after a good sleep we feel refreshed. It is because the energy we receive without any energy blockages. But after meditating, we receive even more than that.
Sometimes we may experience headache or disturbed sleep, because of the energy blockages in our body which are created in our body because of negative mind set or worries. This blockage can cleared easily to meditation or through other methods.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Importance of racing the vibration of the human body energy

It is very important to race the vibration of the human body now for 2 main reasons :
 1 - a very powerful programs were created and released with only purpose to control  the human mind and behavior.
 2 - a very strong electromagnetic vibration of the higher entities, which are very close to our Solar system, will provocate and caused a big changes in the electromagnetic vibration of the planet.

From the time when the human was placed on Earth , our planet was a field of operation and manipulation of two different forces of the creation.
- One wanted to help humanity to race their vibration for easier to achieve  self-knowledge of  itself and his environment, the micro and macro cosmos and the laws that maintain him as well as  the wider universe. Throw the vibration of the knowledge and the light of the information they give to humanity the lows of the Universe : vibrations of the numbers and octaves of the notes. Throw the vibrations of the energy of creation and love, unconditional pure Cosmic Love, they showed how every human being is  valuable and important, strong and free. With racing of the vibration of the body, humans manage  to self-realized their hidden inner power of self-control, as well as, the hidden knowledge of his origins and the power that lies in his emotions. The power to control aging, illness or death. To understand and see the power of the creation, in the atoms in his own body, as well as, into the entire Universe. The knowledge to understand the power of the creation of the life forces every were in himself, his surrounding and the wide Universe.

- The other manipulate him, for selfish reasons of controlling and keeping him in the lower vibrations of fear. When people are afraid, it is easier to  control and manipulate their fear , in direction in which they want. The fear make the human vulnerable, weak and powerless, indifferent to what is happening to himself and to his environment. It make him aggressive and greedy. Fear take from him the desire to confront and his willingness to confront it. That's make him easy victim to any kind of manipulation and control. Methods of deterrence and braking human will, in the desired order to facilitate all kinds of control and manipulation, were use during the childhood, school, studies, work ,religion - in our entire life. We learn how to live into the fear of punishment of not being enough good or successful, throw the media. Throw the media the other side create our prototype of ideal child, family, person, employee, boss, house, car, environment and the life by itself. Every picture or word through the media of any kind,  has its own particular vibration and frequency, which affects the human brain and subconscious. With the density and speed of the frequencies, with which are changing coded messages in images and words, influence the frequency of the brain, and that, our eye can’t register. In now days when the spiritual awakening is happening faster than other times, the other side doesn't like to loose their source of food. To strength their power of controlling and easier manipulation, many technological high developed devices are produced and are in use, like a satellites, in the orbit around the Earth or devices into the deep of the see or oceans, which are producing  very high frequencies ,which influenced  the human brain, as well as, the creatures with high vibrations, like dolphins and weal’s. As a result of that we can see the increasing wave of criminality in any kind, as well as, suicides among the humans and among the animals and high brain vibrating see creatures. This rapidly technological development, in any resources of the science and high developed devices, were given from the other side with one purpose, the control to be made easier and faster;  throw Nano engineering technology. With many excuses as vaccine, better health control or quality of life humans will be chipped. This have been already done in experimental phase or on purpose in many developed or undeveloped countries. Many hybrids were create, many DNA deviations in any kind of life were made, plants, animals, humans, deviation of the clime and the tectonic violence; all this just to keep the people into the vibration of fear, for easier to be controlled. 

This is happening so rapidly especially now because of approaching and presence of the force of knowledge and love, the higher vibration of the energy of light of the creation. By approaching and getting closer many hidden and sleepy power in the human DNA will open and many forms of life will feel that and will race up. To reach this energy of the light, to each human, he must to race on higher level his frequency of his vibration, which will change his electromagnetic bio field and make him capable to receive that higher energy vibration. He will be able than, to see the truth about himself and the universe, which will woke up him from the darkness of ignorance and set him free, free of being control and manipulated. The human body must to race the frequency of the vibration, equalize and adjust to the frequency of vibration of the energy of light and knowledge, otherwise it might "burn" his body. He is becoming the receiver and giver in the same time, because by racing his energy, he is racing the vibrations of his surrounding and is connecting with another beings which are vibrating on the same high frequencies. 

With racing the vibration in his body and connecting with other on the same high frequency, they are creating the flower of life in them self's ,as well as ,on Earth and in the Universe.

By racing their vibration, they are racing the vibration of the Earth on a frequency of light and make her suitable and ready for that high vibration. That is why is of big importance of racing of the vibration of the human body.