Friday, February 13, 2015

Uniqueness of the importance of human emotions

That what make the humans unique in the whole universe is their emotions, their capability to feel and express them . The human body is a generator of an unique energy, essential energy which is so precious for some extraterrestrial entities, which depend from the frequency (lower or higher) of their energetic entities, are using as a food or for collecting/experiencing different experiences.
When you breath the air at the same time expressing verbally or mentally some of the experienced emotion which oscillates and vibrates at a certain frequency, you create, produce energy with strong charge.. This energy is strong and essential, unique in the whole universe and can be create and produced only by the 3 dimensional human body, gifted with the enormous power of a huge range of different emotions.
Through the emotions you are directly connecting with your spirituality . Entities at the higher frequencies of energy use that energy to enrich their experience through ours, while the entities of low-frequency use and  feed them selves with low vibrating    emotions such as fear, helplessness, powerlessness. That's why is so important to vibrate with a positive emotion vibration which increase the electromagnetic field of energy of the body. The human which oscillate on a higher frequency is open and capable to receive the frequency of the information and the light. If the person did not increased the level of the frequency of  his energy, the frequency of information and the light can burn his  body or made  big damages. When this high frequency of the energy enter in the body with not appropriate level of frequency,the atoms in the cells in his body will not have proper time which they need to regroup and adapt to a given level of energy and thus leads to their disordered work and function. The ability to feel and experience every event, every object itself and the environment, dreams and reality, creativity and destructiveness - is only possible through the emotions which is giving sign, stamp of particularity and uniqueness of each individual, separate.
Emotions enrich or improve  the experience of the human existence and life and depending on their intensity, amplify or reduce the vibration of the electromagnetic field of the energy of each one individual. Increasing or decreasing the volume of the lived existence over the emotions, increases or decreases the amplitude and intensity electromagnetic resonance energy that sustains the human biological body. Depending of the intensity and prevalence of certain emotions, through its perception and expression, that  make the individual and her energy vibrates at a particular frequency, which is associated with other entities that vibrate at the same frequency. The entities that prevails with the emotions of love, compassion and kindness, radiating energy that connects them with the cosmic ray of love that connect them with other entities that oscillate at the same frequencies on the Earth and in the Universe. Strengthening the vibration of the energy of each individual and connecting with other entities that oscillate at the same frequency , enhanced their own energy and the frequency of the Earth, and  affects the oscillation of certain galactic systems..

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