Monday, February 23, 2015

Cosmic Energy

The entire universe operates on a dynamic force, called cosmic energy. The cosmic energy is ever present, has an impact on each and every particle in the whole universe.
Everything from the smallest cell in the human body through to the millions and trillions of stars in the Cosmos are a living vibrating dance of pure energy
As cosmic energy touches Earth energy, creation manifests itself gloriously.
The cosmic energy can be converted from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.
The Cosmic Energy exists everywhere in the Cosmos. It is the Bond between the galaxies, the planets, humans and molecules. It is the 'space' between each and everything.
It is the bond, which keeps the whole cosmos in order.
Cosmic Energy is the 'Life Force'.
There's a lot of energy coming from the sky. The energy of the sun warms our planet and provides the energy needed for plants and animals to survive. Other suns and planets give off energy also. Like rain, we can block it or ignore it -- but it's still there. So let's use this energy.
Let's learn to absorb it and feel good and healthy.
"But I can't see cosmic energy."
Actually you can. The sun emits so much energy that it lights up our planet.
Cosmic energy is the dynamic movement of Atom. The whole universal system began from a single atom which is known as the Paramaa Anu or Aadhi Anu in Vedas. As we know, we can’t destroy the energy. The energy can transform into another form of energy. The existence of this energy is everywhere. The whole universal system is a living thing, because of this energy. The same energy takes a vital part in every living being. By controlling or transforming the energy, we are capable to get or achieve whatever we want.
This Cosmic Energy is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our Consciousness.
Cosmic Energy is the base for all our actions and functions.
We receive some amount of Cosmic Energy in deep Sleep and in total Silence.
We are using this energy for our day-to-day activities of our Mind like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all actions of our Body.
By using the cosmic energy We have all transformed ourselves and placed ourselves slap bang in the middle of our destiny and purpose. Experiencing the journey of our entirety in all its extremity and feeling very, very alive at this point in our ascension.
rezoniranje to Enerģijas
This limited energy gained through sleep is not sufficient for these activities. That is why we feel exhausted, tired and tensed. This leads to mental and physical stress and all kinds of illnesses.
The only way to over come this is to get more and more Cosmic Energy.
Cosmic Energy is essential to:
Maintain the order of our life
To lead a healthy and happy life
To totally involve in all situations we are in
To obtain Knowledge and many more as the user wishes .........
And finally
For expansion of our Consciousness.

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