Friday, March 6, 2015

Cosmic Energy and the power of our mind

The whole world is a world of opposites. If any happening is right from one angle, it must be wrong from other angle as the concept of probability wave predicts in quantum physics. No sooner, the probability wave collapse than the reality comes forward and opposite reality imprints in parallel world. Life force or the air also follows the rule of opposites. When it enters inside the body, it carries maximum amount of oxygen but when it goes out, it carries carbon-dioxide. According to the polarity of physical body our total back is negative and total front is positive. Oxygen enters in the form of positive wave through spinal cord up to the coccyx level. Out going breath can be exhaled either through nostril or month. Close the gate of nostril while touching the tongue at soft palate, which is near about 1 1\2 inches away from the hard palate. Shut the month and try to exhale the highly charged air through the mouth. Since the mouth and the gate of nostril are closed, the charged air will change its pattern and major portion of air would enter onto the front of our physical body, making the whole body cleansed, vigorous, and disease less. The Tao system of healing, the masters of Tao, designates it as “Formation of micro-cosmic orbit” inside the body. Simply, it is a system of grinding “Yin (feminine)”and “Yang (Masculine)”energy to put the “Chi flow” at balance. Ardhnarishwar image of Lord Siva in Hindu mythology also makes us conversant about the same rule. Any imbalance in yin and yang energy disturbs the “chi” flow and the body suffers with different ailments. Since, it requires very vibrant exercise; nothing should be practiced without any proper guidance.

Cosmic energy is categorized in to three major categories i.e. ground state of energy, psychic energy and mystical energy. Man has potential energy and when this potentiality meets with mind wave in the form of Kinetic energy, it becomes psychic energy. When mind ceases to work as corrective measure over the consciousness, it dominates the mind and becomes mystical energy. We inhale approximately one million oxygen atom in a single inhalation. Since every oxygen atom contains number of electrons, we actually inhale millions of electrons in a single inhalation. These electrons always move towards the ground state of energy level where they will be stored at coccyx point.
When the deposited electrons at the ground state of energy level, exited through the change in breathing pattern and contracting the second anus sphincter, they will begin to jiggle due to compression and follow the track of upward journey and ultimately they would jump in to the higher energy orbit of mind. When the excited electrons return back to the ground state of energy level, they would radiate huge amount of psychic energy which would be more than the energy put in at the time of its origination. While returning back of cosmic or psychic energy, it would heal the body instantly. According to Dr. Thelma moss, energy follows thought, hence you can direct the psychic energy either for self healing, through imagery or for other purposes.

When the cosmic energy will follow the upward track from the ground state of energy level, it would jump beyond the periphery of consciousness i.e. mind.  It will also work for thought teleportation and telepathic communication. Telepathy may be categorized as single way and double way telepathy. In double way telepathy, sender and receiver are required, whereas in single way telepathy no one is required except the sender who can teleport the “thought from” in any space-time. Recent researches predict that in near future, telepathy would not only be a tool for mind to mind communication but implanting the message in sub-conscious mind of the receiver, which he will notice as an emotion or feeling. Sub conscious level of mind is the most important and powerful level. At sub conscious level, a man is fully conscious as well as unconscious. Conscious towards the goal, but semi conscious towards the surrounding. Altered state of consciousness and alpha brain wave pattern may transmit any thought from effectively, through projection in any space time.

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