Sunday, March 15, 2015

Throat Chakra

  Vishuddha (Sanskrit: विशुद्ध, IAST: Viśuddha, English: "especially pure"), or Vishuddhi, or throat chakra is the fifth primary chakra according to the Hindu tradition.
According to the Hindu culture, this chakra is described as having a white color with 16 purple or smoke-colored petals. Within the pericarp is a sky-blue downward pointing triangle containing a circular white region like the full moon. This represents the element of Akashi or aether.

Vishuddha has 16 purple petals upon which are written the 16 Sanskrit vowels in golden;

a    ā   i     ī     u    ū       
          e    ai   o   au अः    अं
NB: Some vowels listed above do not strictly correspond to the grammatical definition of a Sanskrit vowel, specifically , अः , and अं . See Sanskrit Phonology for details.

The petals correspond to the vrittis of the mantra Ong [Aum], the Sama-mantras, the mantras Hung, Phat, Washat, Swadha, Swaha, and Namak, the nectar Amrita, and the seven musical tones.
The bija mantra (seed sound) is the syllable हं ha, and is written in white upon the chakra.
Vishuddha is positioned at the neck region, near the spine, with its Kshetram or superficial activation point in the pit of the throat. Hence, it is also known as the throat chakra

Located between the shoulder blades. Vitalizes the lungs and voice. Communicates the concrete thoughts received from the Solar Plexus.
 The Throat Chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with expressing and receiving. Expressing can be in the form of communicating what one wants and what one feels, or it can be artistic expression, as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, a musician playing music, using a form for expressing and bringing to the outside what was within. Expression is related to receiving, as, "Ask, and ye shall receive."

The throat chakra is associated with abundance, and with the state of consciousness called, "grace," where it seems that what you want for you is also what God wants for you. Accepting what the abundant universe offers you requires a sense of unconditionally receiving.
This chakra is also associated with listening to one's intuition, and flowing in a particular way where it seems that the Universe supports you in all that you do. It is the first level of consciousness from which one perceives another level of intelligence functioning, and one's interaction with this other level of intelligence.
Parts of the body associated with this chakra include the throat, shoulders, and arms and hands. and the thyroid gland.
The sense of hearing is associated with this chakra, and the element of ether, the most subtle physical element, corresponding to what we find in deep space. The ether is the crossover between the physical and the spiritual dimensions. Someone looking at the world through this chakra watches the manifestation of their goals. The Will Arm represents manifesting what you want, and the Feeling Arm represents manifesting what makes you happy. Hopefully, the two point to the same thing.

This fifth chakra deals with the power of the spoken word. Discernment, discretion and compassion coincide with purified spiritual thoughts. The beautiful sound of creation of your voice harmonizes with the Divine creating a wondrous flow of music to the heartstrings of the people around you.

When this chakra is clean one feels complete unshakable peace. Strength in one's higher divine self. When two people mix these energies from their throat chakra they will talk together actively and intensely. If one tries to dominate then the color turns dark. Dark ogres or power symbols will appear as mentioned previously in the Solar Plexus Chakra. When there is no desire to dominate the most beautiful blue color appears (as seen from the higher realms). Within this color symbols of strength and solidarity appear, like a beautiful sword.

There is humor when there are no negative forces at work. It is one of the most important of God's qualities...humor. A good joke may be a good idea when the conversation becomes a bit unpleasant. We all know that humor is disarming.   
Location -           Throat area
Color            -  Sky blue (From the highest spiritual level can be seen as a clear sky blue.)
Attributes -   Communication, creativity, expression, eloquence, link between emotion and thought
Element     -      Sound

Gems/Minerals    -    Lapis lazuli, sodalite, blue quartz
Musical-Vibrational Note   -    G
Aromatic Chakra Oils            -   Benzoin, Bergamot, Blue Chamomile (German), Frankincense
Foundation         -    Vibrational resonance to focus and direct

When unbalanced you may experience       Difficulty communicating, emotions are caught in the throat, congestion, soreness, scratchy throat
Thyroid, parathyroid - Alimentary canal - Lungs
Self-expression, communication, affluence, discernment. This is the Mother Chakra and begins the three YIN or female energy chakras of the body. You can inflict pain or kindness with the voice. What is more important to know is the voice represents our "Intent". We will decree a thing and it will be so. Therein lies the mystery of manifestation. As Louise Hay states in "You Can Heal Your Life", ..."where thoughts go, energy flows." Our life experiences comes directly from our thoughts, then speaking it, then our actions. Inherent within every intention and desire is the mechanics for it's fulfillment. The voice had great organizing power.

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