Saturday, April 18, 2015

Purple Aura

The color purple is linked to creativity, ideas and enlightenment. Having a purple aura can indicate all of these things, as well as healing, cleansing and soothing of the soul. If your aura is purple, you may find that this says a great deal about your spiritual, emotional and physical being.

Purple Auras and Spiritual Balance
If an advisor tells you that your aura is purple at the moment, this is a good thing. A purple aura (also known as violet or indigo) means that you are in a good space spiritually, and that you are close to experiencing a state of equilibrium and open awareness. While this might not necessarily be indicative of your current emotional state, it means that your spiritual sense appears to be approaching a higher purpose and more balanced reasoning. For many belief systems purple is the color of healing and cleansing, and its presence in a human aura indicates the soothing of pain in conscious and physical planes. You can even meditate on violet colors in order to trigger deeper awareness, because purple hues are associated with the divine in many cultures.

Some say that the quality of the aura is a factor in its interpretation. Is your aura clear and bright? Or is it more muddled, faint or dark? In either case, there are nuances that factor into your aura clarity. While a clear purple aura can mean a balance between heart and mind, a dark purple aura can indicate a need to overcome an obstacle before achieving total balance.
Appearing in the aura in a balanced way, the colour PURPLE attests to powerful intuition, extra-sensory abilities, the ability to receive spiritual messages and information, personal spirituality and spiritual abilities.

PURPLE in the aura denotes creativity, idealism, devotion, a calm and tranquil attitude, and the ability to change, adapt and develop.

The colour PURPLE appearing in the aura in an unbalanced way may attest to obsessive behaviour, a lack of justice and justness, religious fanaticism, intolerance of anything different, belief in punishment and penalization, the use of negative energies and impotence.

IMPERIAL PURPLE is the most common colour found in the aura of those seeking the ‘New Age’ path.

The colour PURPLE is associated with the Crown Chakra and represents insight, wisdom and our ability to see beyond what is considered to be the normal span of visual perception.

The Crown Chakra ensures that you are connected to the Universal Energies.
A balanced Crown Chakra allows us to be in-tune with our inner-wisdom and intuition.

The Crown Chakra and the Color Purple
The purple aura is associated with the crown chakra or your conscious center. Used to communicate with your spiritual nature, the seventh chakra is associated with the top of the head, brain and nervous system. It represents the part of your consciousness connected with a higher spiritual power, reaching upwards through your crown and into the heavens. Just like your root chakra represents your attachment to the mother Earth at your feet, your crown chakra represents your relationship to the "father" energy above.

The crown chakra is often portrayed as a violet lotus flower opening upwards, indicating spiritual awakening. This can mean that you are nearing a place where you are more open and understanding to spiritual matters. If your aura is a clear purple, it may mean that your crown chakra is in alignment and that you are aware of your true self and oneness with the universe.

What Is the Meaning of Your Purple Aura?
Note that the color of your aura changes all the time. While you might have a purple aura during one reading, it could easily switch to blue or yellow immediately after. Aura reading is a very personal process and the outcome depends on many factors. Interpretation of auras can change depending on a person's passions, hobbies, health, likes and dislikes.

Keep in mind that the person reading the aura may have his or her own set of individual interpretations or insights; not everyone will see the same meanings in the colors before them. It is possible to get two entirely different aura readings from two different people within five minutes of each other, so talk to your advisor in depth about what he or she is saying and how it relates to you and your life.

Understanding Your Aura

A purple aura may carry any number of meanings depending on which line of thinking you follow. With this in mind, it is generally accepted that a purple aura indicates a sense of knowing and oneness with the spiritual. An understanding that you are connected to everything around you can bring a sense of spiritual well being, a state that is most commonly associated with a purple aura.

PURPLE - Definition - Awareness, spirituality, psychic inner vision, the colour of the evolving soul.
Positive Side - A rich shade or purple indicates a connection with unconscious wisdom, a collective knowledge of mankind. A clear colour indicates awareness and natural clairvoyant powers
Negative Side - If the colour is blurred it can indicate the person spends too long in daydreams and illusions. A dark colour purple may indicate someone feels alone
Physical Associations - A rich clear purple indicate the mind body and spirit are working in harmony, their physical senses merge nicely and naturally with their psychic senses. A dull cloudy purple could indicate ear infections, eye infections, headaches, nightmares and sleeplessness. Purple rules the right side of the brain, the ears, eyes, sinuses, the scalp and all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth. The Chakra associated with this is the Brow or Third Eye Chakra.
Purple hues
Purple is associated with the pituitary gland, pineal gland and the nervous system.

Purple Aura people are highly psychic, attuned to the emotions and moods of others and very sensitive. People who have a predominant amount of purple in their Aura are seen as mysterious and secretive.
The Purple Aura individual possesses a philosophical, enquiring and intuitive mind. They love to learn and never stop exploring and enquiring into new subjects and areas that interest them. Because this they tend to be extremely interesting and knowledgeable people.
The Purple Aura individual does not have a wide circle of many friends. But the friends they do have are held close and are respected, admired and loved. People with a predominant purple Aura tend to be unlucky in love but once they have found their perfect soul mate is loyal and loving for life.
Purple Aura people connect well with animals and nature. They are attuned to animals and can sense their emotions and feelings. Purple Aura people tend to take in and care for strays as their loving and caring nature makes it difficult for them to turn strays away.

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