Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yellow  Aura

YELLOW AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Yellow has a specific physical correlation to the spleen and to the person's energy source, aka "chi."
YELLOW - Definition - For logic, mind and thoughts. Knowledge of all kinds, colour of the communicator

Positive Side - If yellow is a quick silver colour the mind is focused on planning and new ideas, creating knowledge. Yellow is the colour of joy and clear communication. A brilliant yellow could mean the sign of a performer of the arts, actor or entertainer. A clear yellowy - brown signifies a scientific mind.

Negative Side - Irregular streaks of yellow could indicate hyperactivity. A mustardy yellow could hide resentment and jealousy. A metallic hazy yellow conceals less than honest intents or secrets.

Physical Associations – A clear bright yellow indicates a good memory, excellent powers of concentration. Good performing lymphatic and nervous system, a good healthy digestion.
A dull yellow can indicate skin and digestive disorders, especially amongst those that suffer from tension, stress and nervous exhaustion.
Yellow rules the solar plexus, liver, kidneys, the nervous system. It also rules the joints where arthritis or rheumatism may reside.
The Chakra associated with this is the Solar Plexus Chakra.
The Third Chakra - The Solar Plexus
While a yellow halo indicates an active brow chakra, yellow actually rules the third chakra, or solar plexus, as well. Your solar plexus exists between your ribs and your naval, and is the source of your core energy. In relation to this chakra, yellow signifies wisdom, hope, joy, and enthusiasm. This part of your body rules your sense of fulfillment and self confidence, and gets its yellow radiance from its relation to the sun. When you are in tune with your third chakra, you may feel "sunny" and optimistic. If you notice that this chakra is blocked - which is evident by feelings of depression, bitterness, and fear - try surrounding yourself with yellow or wearing yellow clothes. This can help unblock your solar plexus and restore a sunny aura.

Yellow is creative, playful, optimistic and easy-going.

Yellow is intellect, a mental color.

This color will most often be seen around the head, probably more often than any other color.

Looking at aura colors and what they mean not only does it signify thinking, concentration learning or studying but can also indicate spiritual development, the very pale yellow to white shades.

It is also the color of awakening, inspiration and action shared. On a physical level it correlates to the spleen and to the person's energy source, aka "chi".
YELLOW is the fourth basic colour tone, but is one that is rarely seen in the aura.  When it is seen, it is an indication of those who have achieved the goal of escape from the wheel of rebirth on the earth plane, and have returned to offer Spiritual food to their brothers and sisters.  These individuals can be assumed to have voluntarily taken on the limitations and restrictions of earth life in order to perform a particular Spiritual path for the upliftment of mankind.

YELLOW can be equated to the God realization or Christ consciousness of these individuals who have returned back to earth to radiate the Light of their Spirituality on their fellow (human) beings who are still in need of assistance.

The colour YELLOW appearing in the aura in a balanced and harmonious way attests to high intellectual abilities and capacities and a strong personality.  It also denotes good organizational abilities, inner-wisdom, discipline, honesty, harmony and a well developed ability to learn and assimilate knowledge.

YELLOW rays have the power to dispel fear and worry.  YELLOW has a tonic element for certain forms of nervousness and is stimulating to health and mind. 

YELLOW in the aura also suggests business acumen, diplomacy, a scientific and business mind-set and career orientation.

YELLOW (except for the muddier shades) is a good aspect in the aura.  YELLOW symbolizes thought and mental concentration. When this colour dominates, it indicates a strong intellect. 

BRIGHT GOLDEN YELLOW suggests a depth of Spiritual qualities and denotes a soul on the pathway to spirituality;  gold representing the higher spiritual pathway. 

GOLDEN YELLOW reflects the elevation of the mind to a higher sense of consciousness and indicates great inspiration.  It is interesting that victims of strokes often exhibit GOLDEN YELLOW around the head and neck.  GOLDEN YELLOW is the colour of the evolved consciousness.
Mustard (dark yellow)
This color can indicate that the person is suffering from pain (emotional or physical). It also indicates that the person is angry at someone and cannot forget about the incident that made him/her angry.
This color is often seen in students who are struggling with their studies, financially or in other ways.
PALE YELLOW suggests a highly spirited, as well as thoughtful person.  It can also indicate a poor state of mind or a timid character.  Individuals who have been intimidated by others show the emotional scars by the presence of this colour in their aura.

LIGHT YELLOW appearing among other colours of the aura attests to calmness, openness, a strong personality, clarity of thought and freshness.

Deep muddier YELLOW indicates one who is over critical, dogmatic and feels deprived of recognition.  It denotes jealousy and suspicion, reflects excessive thinking and analysing and being over-critical. 

ORANGEY-YELLOW in the aura denotes excessive thinking and a dogmatic personality.

OCHER (brownish-yellow) appearing among the colours of the aura, may suggest stability, frugality, realism, tensions, control, authority, excessive discipline and egotism.  It may also indicate manipulative mind games and shows of a deceitful nature.

When YELLOW appears in the aura in an unbalanced way it attests to scepticism, a critical nature, stubbornness, cynicism, exaggerated emotional control, egotism, laziness, ignorance and intolerance, and sorrow.


YELLOW governs the Solar Plexus Chakra, which acts as the ‘brain centre’ to the nervous system.  This chakra is located in the stomach area and the middle of the back, and is linked to the stomach, liver, skin, large intestine, muscular system and the solar plexus area.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is connected with our identity and the concept of ‘Self’.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is representative of vitality and will, and when this Chakra is open it acts to empower a person and helps them to find their personal, inner-strength.  YELLOW helps to turn dreams and goals into reality.

YELLOW brings activity and balance to the Solar Plexus Chakra, and this brings general wellbeing, mental capacities and a clear sense of self-determination.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, we experience anger, shame, fear, resentment, bitterness, prejudice and hate.
Muddier shades of yellow in the aura indicates the person might express fussy or over analytical behavior or the need for attention. They might also feel that they need recognition.

Brilliant yellow - You're spiritually inspired or experiencing a spiritual awakening. You have a playful spirit and will act on your thoughts.

Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.

Bright lemon-yellow: Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.

Dark yellow with tinges of brown - You're a student. You feel pressured to achieve your goals and score high on tests. You've lost your love of learning, and studying has become a tiresome chore.

Lemon yellow - This represents a fear of loss. This may be the loss of a job, divorce, a lifestyle change, loss of health or fear of losing control over your destiny.
This aura color means that the person is a very good communicator and knows how to manage money. If this is your aura color you are persistent in everything you do, enjoy your life and are optimistic about the future. You are proactive and always look at the bright side of life.
You are creative and you can express your feelings perfectly into words.
People who have such aura are also perceived to be powerful and sometimes intimidating.

Pale yellow - You've recently embarked on a spiritual journey, or you've discovered latent psychic abilities. There's a renewed sense of excitement and hope for the future.
The Aura colors that surround an individual reflect their personality and point to their future destiny.
Yellow is the color of spiritual vitality, and yellow anywhere in your aura means that you are radiating spiritual energy and harnessing the power of ideas. A bright, attention-getting color, yellow creates a sensation of brightness and warmth; because it attracts those looking for joy and light. You may notice that more people are drawn to you than normal. If you have a yellow aura, it can mean that you are a very generous person, and that you find joy in sharing with others. If this is the case, your yellow aura meaning will continue to perpetuate itself as you spread love and hope to those you come in contact with, which in turn causes your own joy to become stronger and more stable.

Yellow Aura people are analytical, logical and very intelligent. They tend to excel in careers that involve teaching and study and make excellent inventors and scientists. They can have a tendency to work too hard and can easily become a workaholic putting their work above personal relationships.
Yellow Aura people are perfectly happy in their own company and do not suffer loneliness. They are prone to mental health pressures, though and can become withdrawn and depressed when stressed.
The Yellow Aura individual is a brilliant communicator and can display their skills on a one to one basis and in front of large crowds. They are confident in their abilities to get their ideas and messages across and will inspire others.
Yellow Aura people have very good observation skills and can read people easily. They possess extremely good perception. Because they do not suffer fools gladly and will choose their few friends carefully. Any friends they do have will need to match the Yellow Aura person’s wit and intellect.
The Yellow Aura individual tends to put their head above their heart when faced with difficult choices and decision making. They are unorthodox and unconventional thinkers and not afraid to experiment with different ideas and original concepts. To some the Yellow Aura seems a little eccentric with unusual interests and hobbies. They are attracted to anything which is considered avant-garde, intellectual or unusual.
The main fault of a person who has a predominant Yellow Aura is that they can be overly critical of themselves and others.

Yellow colors relate to a sense of awakening and inspiration, and auras are no different. This color aura can mean that you are an actively intelligent person who likes to share wisdom with others. Those with recurrent yellow auras are usually more optimistic and easy going, and they enjoy creativity and how it relates to others. The positive glow of yellow can spread optimism and hope. If your aura is yellow, it means you are in a unique position to brighten the lives of other people.

If you have a particularly clear, yellow aura around your head, like a halo, then you are advanced in your spiritual development and are a natural spiritual leader. This is caused by the stimulation of your brow chakra, which is hard at work when you are thinking spiritual thoughts. When your brow chakra is very active, it can create a yellow glow around your head that looks like a halo. Both Jesus Christ and Buddha are depicted as having yellow halo-type auras, so as you can imagine, a yellow halo is a very powerful sign.

Every color in a person's aura has a basic meaning. A yellow aura typically has a positive meaning, so if your reader sees this color in your aura, you're probably in a good place at that moment, spiritually speaking.
The color of your aura changes many times a day. It might be yellow one minute and then change to something different the next. Reading auras is a process that can be very personal, because many factors go into an interpretation. The meaning of a person's aura can change depending on the type of personality they have, the life they live, and the values they hold dear.
If someone tells you that your aura is yellow, then you are probably in a very good place emotionally. A yellow aura meaning is that you are feeling a great deal of joy and freedom, and that you are not attached to anything earthly. In Buddhism, the goal is to achieve joyful detachment from everything; this is seen as a necessary step in order to reach enlightenment. If you are glowing yellow, then it appears that you are well on your way.
The advisor reading your aura may have his or her own unique perspective. Therefore, that reader may give you a very different reading than someone else would. People may "see" different feelings in colors, and therefore they may interpret your aura color in a unique way. If you obtain an aura reading from two completely different people, you may get two entirely different readings, even moments apart. For this reason, it's important that you talk to your advisor about what they're seeing and how it relates to your present circumstances.
This aura color indicates that you are very joyous but stubborn person. You do not like to be told what to do and freedom is the most important thing to you.
You try not to become attached too much to anyone and you are emanating joy, generosity and energy.
If yellow appears as a thought in your aura (above your head), it means that you just had a joyous thought.

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