Thursday, April 16, 2015

Silver Aura

SILVER AURA COLOR MEANING: This is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.
SILVER - Definition - For mystery, feminine intuitive wisdom, for gentle gradual growth.
Positive - Silver stars or streaks indicate hidden potential, mystery and secrets of a kind that are exciting and will when revealed bring joy.Silver can also indicate pregnancy, or a time when conception is possible. But it can also indicate the possibility the seeds of creativity , imagination and the awakening or re-awakening sexuality.
Negative - Metallic Silver can indicate the sign that someone is seeking to create an illusion, they crave excitement and stimulation.
Physical Associations Silver indicates healthy regulations of body fluids, the ability to eliminate impurities and pain from the body.A matt distended silver can a sign of fluid retention and the inability to move on psychologically from the past.
Silver rules the cycles of the body especially female one.
Chakra associated with this is the Brow Chakra.
Silver Aura people are exceptionally gifted. How they use their gifts wisely is their life lesson. Silver Aura individuals are bestowed with sensitivity, intuitiveness, psychic ability and practicality. They can use their spiritual understanding in very practical ways. Because this they can relate to many people and are often found in teaching, mentoring or counseling careers.
Silver Aura people have immense versatility and adaptability and are capable of getting the most out of virtually every opportunity in life. Their high intellect enables then to make the right decisions quickly and follow through with action.
People who have predominant silver Auras are seen as very attractive. They attract many admirers. But Silver Aura people are very discerning and choose their friends carefully and their lovers very carefully.
Silver Aura people tend to be well blessed in looks, personality and talent and as such are seen as incredibly lucky people. Success seems to come easily to Silver Aura people.
This aura color means that the person is abundant physically and spiritually. Such person never worries about money because it seems that he/she receives money at every turn.
This color (when it is very shiny and large) can also mean that the person has made the connection with the source and therefore opened a door to the divine guidance.

Bright metallic silver: Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing

Dark and muddy gray: Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body.

Silver - This is the color of abundance. If shiny and bright, it indicates you have great physical and spiritual wealth.

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