Friday, April 17, 2015

Turquoise Aura

TURQUOISE - Colour of the wise healer, for integration of mind and heart, feelings and thoughts. Wisdom and experience.
Positive Side - Can indicate a poet, innovator or and artist. Those with this in colour in their aura are naturally protective towards others. They naturally protect the weak.
Negative Side - None
Physical Associations - stimulates and strengthens the immune system, soothes inflammation, calms nerves, aides healing, soothes asmathmatic problems and general respiratory difficulties. Helps heal skin complaints. Turquoise rules the throat, upper back, repertory problems and swellings of all kinds. Turquoise influences the thyroid gland and is used to restore harmony throughout the whole body.
The Chakras associated with this are the Throat and Heart
Turquoise - Relates to the immune system.Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.
The ultra aura color for a powerful healer. You help others discover their inner truths. Usually found in doctors, healers and counselors.
This aura color shows that you are the person who is very active and have a lot of energy. You have the power to influence masses and you are good at multi-tasking.
You like many different things and you have a short attention span. Therefore things can quickly bore you and you cannot concentrate on one thing for a longer period of time.
You would excel in management and leadership because you are good at organizing and explaining complicated things in simple terms.

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