Monday, April 20, 2015

Black Aura

BLACK AURA COLOR MEANING: Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it.Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, entitities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries.
Black auras indicate you're holding on to negative feelings. Typically it indicates an unwilling and unforgiving spirit. This color can also indicate that disease is being held in certain regions of the body.
BLACK - Definition - regeneration, transitions, acceptance of life as it is, confrontation of mortality, colour of the transformer.
Positive - A clear almost transparent black can indicate the a person is resting emotionally and spiritually. This may occur after a stressful period so the person is growing stronger behind the protective darkness.
Negative - A matt black can indicate depression or exhaustion, black spot or streaks can appear in the aura.
A harsh black can indicate a person frequently offloads problems to other people but will ignore positive advice and suggestions. They make the most of their problems, they are possibly psychic vampires. A Aura to avoid!!
Physical Associations - Black spots may indicate some part of the body is imbalanced or energy isn’t flowing as freely as it should. They could be holding negative habits they should be working on to release. Chakra associated with this is the Root or Base Chakra.
Such aura color is very rare. It shows that the person can be an energy vampire. It also means that the person has not forgiven someone for a long time and carries that uneasiness in his/her heart. Such uneasiness can easily lead to a disease.
If the person has been negative for a long time, this color may also indicate that other negative entities joined the aura or body.
If the blackness is most intense in the sacral chakra, it means that the person had an abortion and still carries grief from this incident.
You can change your aura couple of times a day depending on what mood you are in, so you should not be surprised to notice a different color of your aura from the last time you checked.
Some colors may mean different things for different people, so you should always look at other aspects of who the person is to give an accurate aura reading.
BLACK appearing in the aura is always associated with ‘dark deeds’.  It indicates discord, viciousness and evil. 

Physical imbalances often show up as BLACK or darkened areas around the body.  In the outer-edges of the aura, BLACK can indicate holes in the auric field. 

BLACK is also seen in the aura of those who are victims of child abuse, and those who are (or were) very strong substance abusers (ie. alcohol, tobacco, drugs etc)
In the most deplored of souls, the aura can sometimes be seen with a crimson RED glow and BLACK, and this is a most vicious combination. 

The Omega Chakra is situation below the Base Chakra, in the space between the legs/upper thighs (8 inches below the spine).  The Omega Chakra acts as an anchor.  It anchors the lower bodies across their holographic grid of incarnations.

The Omega Chakra is coloured BLACK.

Indicates hatred, negativity, major illness or depression, cheap, miserly. This color is always a bad sign.
Black draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it.

It is the color of protection...

It is not always bad and does not always mean death or terminal illness.

Black is a warning sign in most cases when seen as part of the aura colors but can also mean that a person is protecting himself from outside influences.

Be careful how you handle seeing black in a persons aura.

When black spots appear in the aura, it can be something as simple as a previous operation or a cold on the chest. Instead of rendering an opinion rather just suggest that the person see a doctor.

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