Thursday, April 16, 2015

White Aura

 WHITE AURA COLOR MEANING: Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura.Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.
White typically indicates a newness and purity. It can be found in highly spiritual people who've transcended the physical and are preparing to ascend. Religious history claims white auras were seen surrounding angelic beings.
White sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby;can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon
White - the definition of white is for limitless potential energy, and the life force integration, the colour of soaring spirit. White is the colour of divinity and the life force.
Positive qualities - At it’s most vibrant this aura is the colour of the innovator and creator. A highly evolved colour indicating higher levels of consciousness and purity.
Negative aspects - A pale white can suggest a person is out of touch with the real world, while a murky white can reveal feelings of alienation from others.
Physical Associations. The vibrant clear aura is one of the integrated mind body spirit. A sense of completeness, good health and the ability to bring healing to groups of people who may be in conflict.
White rules the whole body, the mind and soul and the connections between them. White light is a natural pain reliever.
When white stands out in the aura it signifies pure pranic energy, chi, life force, truth and purity of spirit.

It is an indication that spirit and healing energies are present.

It also indicates that the spirit of the individual is purifying and cleansing and of greatest spiritual awakening as in yogis and gurus.

This aura color has many different meanings, so you should always look at the physical and character features of the person whose aura you are reading.
This color is rare among healthy people, so you should carefully check the aura for any (even slight) tones of other colors to be completely sure that the aura is white.
This color can mean three things:
1. You do not have any strong beliefs therefore you are like a blank canvass. In such mind state you will be able to easily absorb new information. However people can influence you easily because you do not have (or lost) your belief system.
If your aura is white it means that your nature is very pure. If you see white sparkles in the aura it means that your angels are near you. It can also mean that you are pregnant or soon you will become pregnant.
2. You are using drugs or other damaging substances which seriously affect your health.
3. You are about to die because you have some serious disease – the auras of people who are about to die always turn white.

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