Human Energy Field as a collection of electro - magnetic energies of varying
densities that permeate through and emit or exit from the physical body of a
living person. These particles of energy are suspended around the healthy human
body in an oval shaped field. This "auric egg" emits out from the
body approximately 2-3 feet (1 meter on average) on all sides. It extends above
the head and below the feet into the ground.
Aura interacts and works in conjunction with the energy centers of your
physical body, called chakras. It's easy to understand a human aura when you
view it as your essence. It's the energy that makes you who you are.
Colors Reveal the Inner You and your emotions, thoughts and experiences color
your aura and reflect how you feel emotionally and physically. Thoughts are
also energy that you emit during the mental process, and they add color to your
aura. Aura colors are the reflection of energy vibrations that you harbor and
emit. In Chinese culture, this sphere of energy surrounding and emanating from
you is called ch'i, the life-source energy of all living matter.
the Human Aura is composed of Seven Layers of Energy. There are four well-known
aura fields of energy surrounding the human body. Three other aura fields
assist those four fields of energy by acting as their overseers. All seven
layers of energy serve vital functions to maintain a healthy aura.
believe that the human aura is composed of seven fields of energy that surround
the physical body. These layers of energy have certain attributes that reveal
the real you.
aura layers, or fields of energy, are called auric levels.
levels communicate information and data to the outside world, as well as to
your higher soul. This is how you receive information and move it into your
aura for processing and assimilating.
seven auric levels reach out beyond the physical body, sometimes as far as
three feet. The aura layers encapsulate the physical body in a large egg-shaped
field of energy.
seven layers of aura energy corresponding to the seven aura bodies, which are:
Physical auric body - Physical sensations. Simple physical comfort, pleasure,
Earthly Guide of Experiences
physical auric level is the three-dimensional reflection of your physical body.
Any injuries, cellular patterns, or impact of emotional trauma to the body will
be evident within the physical aura.
The etheric auric body - Emotions with respect to self. Self-acceptance and
self love.
Body Builder
etheric aura field is responsible for creating and maintaining the physical
body. It keeps the chakras and meridians in good operating condition so that
the body thrives and remains healthy. Whenever the energy to this auric level
is obstructed, the physical body reflects this as a disease or illness.
Vital auric body - Rational mind. To understand the
in a clear, linear, rational way.
Creator of Circumstances
mental aura is the foreman of your destiny.
imaginal aura is often referred to as the astral body. This is the energy you
use to manifest or alter circumstances surrounding you. Many consider this aura
as the magic of the auric levels because it's where you can create whatever the
soul desires. It is the mechanism for fulfilling your destiny and for
interpreting the map that will guide you through life.
Astral (emotional) body - Relations with others. Loving interaction with
friends and family.
Life's Driver
emotional aura is the power behind your actions and reactions. If you feel at
peace, this will resonate throughout your auric levels. If you are angry or
defensive, this emotion will move through all levels of your human aura.
Unconditional love is the optimum energy of this field, and it's what feeds the
rest of the aura with the energy needed to maintain balance and health.
blue, being green with envy, seeing red, or being in the pink are all phrases
that reflect the emotional energy that colors the aura.
Lower mental auric body - Divine will within. To align with the divine will
within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth.
Construction Foreman
mental auric field is sometimes called the casual body. It is the builder of
your life experiences. This energy field is the foreman of your destiny. It
helps you to internalize and grow, based on your destiny map and the
experiences that plan brings to you. It's important to maintain an auric
balance so that your attitude, and concepts about the world and your life,
remains authentic.
Higher mental auric body - Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.
Aura Juggler
spiritual auric level maintains balance between all of the aura fields, as well
as the chakras. It is a conduit for divine energy to flow into the body and
maintain spiritual well-being.
Spiritual (intuitive) body - Divine mind, serenity. To be connected to divine
mind and to understand the greater universal pattern
Destiny's Navigator
archetypal aura is often referred to as the divine aura. It includes all of the
energy fields of your aura and provides an energy map of your life. It details
your past, present and future. The archetypal aura is called the map of destiny
or the template of your life. This matrix of energy is like a physical
fingerprint. It's unique, and there's no other aura exactly like yours.A
medium, intuitive or psychic can read your aura. An intuitive can 'pick up'
energy patterns from you and receive information through that exchange of
energy. A person who can see auras is able to interpret the colors in each
field of energy. Many others can also access the matrix of information stored
inside those fields in various ways.
archetypal auric level is where your God dwells inside of you, and many refer
to it as the seat of the subconscious mind. Every human being has an internal
map that guides you through life.
Is Vital for your health condition of your biological body. As you can see, it
is vital to your overall health and success in fulfilling your life purpose to
keep your aura in balance. There are many things you can do to assure good aura
health, such as meditation, spiritual study, physical workout, and mental
exercise. The human aura is a complex and delicate balancing act, but one you
can master with conscious effort.
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