Friday, April 17, 2015

Green Aura

GREEN AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to heart and lungs.It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change.Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social

Green is the color of the heart and of nature. This is usually found within the aura of healers, teachers and people who work for the public good.

GREEN - Definition - Love, harmony, nature and environment.
Positive Side - A rich green reveals a loving heart with generosity, generous with money, time and love. A person with this aura colour can be trusted as they speak from their heart, and mean what they say. Olive green brings good humour, new hope
Negative Side - A pale green could indicate the need for emotional dependency. A dull green could indicate conflicting emotions. A yellowy green could be the sign of unwarranted jealousy and possessiveness. Lime green can indicate stress within current relationships.
Physical Associations - A clear green could indicate a sign of a good stable blood pressure, healthy heart and respiratory system. Metallic green the flickers could indicate food related illness and panic attacks. Murky green can reveal a tendency towards coughs and colds, viruses , chest infections and bronchial problems.
Green rules the heart, lungs, respiratory system, cell and tissue growth and overall body regeneration. Emerald green is the colour used in healing. The chakra associated with this in the Heart Chakra.
Aura Color Green
Green is health and comfort representing nature and nature's growth, the color of renewal, the color of healing.

When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change.

Many healers have green in their aura.
GREEN is the second basic colour tone.  It loosens and equalizes the etheric body and is the colour seen most commonly and prevalently in the aura.

GREEN in the aura is a positive sign, and indicates regeneration, individualism, supply and energy and growth.

GREEN governs the mental realm and indicates a multitude of ideas, sympathy and calm, and can also denote a person who is reliable, dependable and open-minded. People who have achieved prosperity and success usually have green tints in their aura.

GREEN appearing in the aura in a balanced way attests to the ability to accept things as they are, change and creation the ‘new’, growth, hope, good communication, gardening and agriculture and the performing arts, and the healing and care professions. 

GREEN in the aura also symbolizes Universal Love, unity and balancing of the mind, body and spirit.

PALE GREEN reflects spiritual advancement by means of attuning to nature and the spiritual realm.  It is as compassionate as a guardian angel, and people with PALE GREEN in their aura are seen as truly beautiful people.  Most elderly people have large streaks of PALE GREEN in their aura.

Bright, clear GREEN in the aura denotes animation, versatility and adaptability,  independence, enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and open-mindedness. Bright GREEN reflects versatility, adaptability and enthusiasm. The vibration of bright GREEN is extremely refreshing to the soul. 

APPLE GREEN is the aura tells of a healthy life-force, and when seen around the hands it denotes natural healing abilities.

EMERALD GREEN in the aura denotes a naturally-born healer and indicates a rare quality.  EMERALD GREEN tells that an ongoing trauma is being put to rest in a subtle way.  This colour has a ‘feeling’ affect on the emotions.  Most good listeners have one or more small pockets of this colour in their aura.

JADE GREEN represents a charitable nature and denotes patterns of self-sacrifice.

JUNIPER GREEN is the colour of Karmic patterns in the aura.

YELLOW-GREEN appearing in the aura may suggest sympathy for others, compassion, good communication, the ability to forgive, honesty and a love of peace and harmony.  But it can also denote sickness, cowardice, discord and jealousy.

GREENISH-YELLOW is the shade of a ‘liar’ or a ‘cheat’.  This shade you will often find in adolescence, cheating lovers, corrupt policemen and criminals who plead innocent when they are not, and anyone who has ever told a little ‘white lie’.

Dark GREEN appearing amongst the colours of the aura denotes the ability to express and present oneself and the ability to adapt.  It also represents vitality.  Dark GREEN in the aura can also attest to materialism, fraud and cunning.  It can also denote greed, envy and jealousy, and mental stress.  Dark GREEN in the aura can indicate materialism, deceit, cheating and/or difficulties with sharing.  Dark GREEN appearing may also suggest a need to find balance between the masculine and feminine attributes. Dark GREEN within the aura can reflect miserliness, uncertainty, jealousy and envy, possessiveness, self-doubt and mistrust.

Olive GREEN in the aura denotes treachery and deceit.

The muddier or darker shades of GREEN reflect uncertainty and/or miserliness, possessiveness, mistrust, self-doubt and jealousy.

In an unbalanced way, GREEN appearing in the Aura may indicate jealousy and envy, pessimism, a lack of satisfaction, resistance to the natural course of life, artificiality and over-sentimentality.

GREEN is absorbed by the Heart Chakra and controls the cardiac centre and strongly influences the heart and blood pressure.  It is linked to the heart, lungs, circulatory system, cardiac plexus and the complete chest area.  The Heart Chakra is the ‘Harmonizing Element’ and bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.  It allows a person to feel compassion and empathy and gives one the ability to give and receive graciously.  The Hearth Chakra resonates with ‘unconditional love’.

When the Heart Chakra is blocked, we experience emotional instability and problems in our relationships with other people.  It makes us feel sorrow and loss which we feel we cannot get passed.
If you observe bright shades of green blending into an electric blue in a persons aura colors they more than likely have healing abilities and generally work with healing energy.
You might also observe green in the aura if a person is healing from something be it emotional, physical, mental or spiritual.

The muddier green shades can signify jealousy, possessiveness and untrustworthiness.

Green Aura people are highly creative and very hard working. They strive for perfection in everything they do. They have a very determined and down to earth nature and will not allow fanciful dreams and unrealistic ideas to color their world.
Their creativity takes the form of practical matters such as gardening, cooking and home decorating. The Green Aura individual has a fine eye for beauty and will ensure their appearance and clothing, home and surroundings are both practical and beautiful.
Green Aura people tend to be very popular, admired and respected. They make for very successful business people and can create much wealth and prosperity for themselves. Green Aura people like security, stability and balance in their lives. Any plans they make a well thought out and because this, they seldom make rash mistakes.
Close friends of Green Aura people will be treated to generosity, loyalty and practical advice. Green Aura people do not suffer fools gladly and choose their friends very carefully. People with a predominant green Aura tend to be rather health-conscious and ensure their diet is nutritious; health giving and tasty. They are always in tune with nature and love the great outdoors.
Green aura color signifies relaxed attitude and ability to heal.
People with green auras emanate peace and it is very relaxing to be in the company of such people.
People with dominant green auras usually love everything related to nature and they love being outside most of the time. They feel connection with nature and they instinctively know how to grow plants.
GREEN is the second basic colour tone.  It loosens and equalizes the etheric body and is the colour seen most commonly and prevalently in the aura.

GREEN in the aura is a positive sign, and indicates regeneration, individualism, supply and energy and growth.

GREEN governs the mental realm and indicates a multitude of ideas, sympathy and calm, and can also denote a person who is reliable, dependable and open-minded. People who have achieved prosperity and success usually have green tints in their aura.

GREEN appearing in the aura in a balanced way attests to the ability to accept things as they are, change and creation the ‘new’, growth, hope, good communication, gardening and agriculture and the performing arts, and the healing and care professions. 

GREEN in the aura also symbolizes Universal Love, unity and balancing of the mind, body and spirit.

PALE GREEN reflects spiritual advancement by means of attuning to nature and the spiritual realm.  It is as compassionate as a guardian angel, and people with PALE GREEN in their aura are seen as truly beautiful people.  Most elderly people have large streaks of PALE GREEN in their aura.

Bright, clear GREEN in the aura denotes animation, versatility and adaptability,  independence, enthusiasm, thoughtfulness and open-mindedness. Bright GREEN reflects versatility, adaptability and enthusiasm. The vibration of bright GREEN is extremely refreshing to the soul. 

APPLE GREEN is the aura tells of a healthy life-force, and when seen around the hands it denotes natural healing abilities.

EMERALD GREEN in the aura denotes a naturally-born healer and indicates a rare quality.  EMERALD GREEN tells that an ongoing trauma is being put to rest in a subtle way.  This colour has a ‘feeling’ affect on the emotions.  Most good listeners have one or more small pockets of this colour in their aura.

JADE GREEN represents a charitable nature and denotes patterns of self-sacrifice.

JUNIPER GREEN is the colour of Karmic patterns in the aura.

YELLOW-GREEN appearing in the aura may suggest sympathy for others, compassion, good communication, the ability to forgive, honesty and a love of peace and harmony.  But it can also denote sickness, cowardice, discord and jealousy.

GREENISH-YELLOW is the shade of a ‘liar’ or a ‘cheat’.  This shade you will often find in adolescence, cheating lovers, corrupt policemen and criminals who plead innocent when they are not, and anyone who has ever told a little ‘white lie’.

Dark GREEN appearing amongst the colours of the aura denotes the ability to express and present oneself and the ability to adapt.  It also represents vitality.  Dark GREEN in the aura can also attest to materialism, fraud and cunning.  It can also denote greed, envy and jealousy, and mental stress.  Dark GREEN in the aura can indicate materialism, deceit, cheating and/or difficulties with sharing.  Dark GREEN appearing may also suggest a need to find balance between the masculine and feminine attributes. Dark GREEN within the aura can reflect miserliness, uncertainty, jealousy and envy, possessiveness, self-doubt and mistrust.

Olive GREEN in the aura denotes treachery and deceit.

The muddier or darker shades of GREEN reflect uncertainty and/or miserliness, possessiveness, mistrust, self-doubt and jealousy.

In an unbalanced way, GREEN appearing in the Aura may indicate jealousy and envy, pessimism, a lack of satisfaction, resistance to the natural course of life, artificiality and over-sentimentality.

GREEN is absorbed by the Heart Chakra and controls the cardiac centre and strongly influences the heart and blood pressure.  It is linked to the heart, lungs, circulatory system, cardiac plexus and the complete chest area.  The Heart Chakra is the ‘Harmonizing Element’ and bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.  It allows a person to feel compassion and empathy and gives one the ability to give and receive graciously.  The Hearth Chakra resonates with ‘unconditional love’.

When the Heart Chakra is blocked, we experience emotional instability and problems in our relationships with other people.  It makes us feel sorrow and loss which we feel we cannot get passed.

Forest green - You're a natural healer.

Yellow-green - Creative with heart, communicative .You're a communicator. You may be an actor, writer, musician or salesperson.
Bright emerald green: A healer, also a love-centered person

Dark or cloudy green - Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism.
You are very jealous person and full of resentment. You refuse to accept responsibility for your own actions.

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