Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blu Aura

BLU AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.
BLUE - Definition - the colour for the seeker after truth. For ideals, expansion of both the perspective and physical horizons and authority.
Positive Side - A rich blue can indicate that someone has found the right path in life. Natural powers of leadership. A person who has this colour tends to weigh up the facts before acting or speaking, they have a keen sense of justice
A bright blue indicates a person will put principles first before personal gain. A pale blue can indicate an idealist, a person with ideas of making the world a better place. Clear blue represents detachment, its also a good antidote to irrational anger and misplaced passion. Blue/Indigo indicates the ability to communicate telepathically. Blue is a healing colour.
Negative Side - A dull blue can indicate someone who is over conservative, goes by the letter rather than the spirit of the law. A harsh blue can indicate someone like to govern all, like to be in charge.
Physical Associations - A clear blue is a sign of stable blood pressure, regular heart rate and balance of hormones. Blue soothes pains and inflammation. A dull blue can indicate depression or thyroid, teeth or throat problems, an overactive thyroid can show up as a murky blue.A harsh metallic blue can indicate someone who suffers with migraines and headaches. Blue rules the left side of the brain and nervous system. The Chakra associated with this is the Throat Chakra.
Blue is calm and peace.

This color represents the throat, specifically the thyroid.

Totally blue Auras are quite rare but can show up as one of the boldest Aura colors in people with strong personalities.
Blue Aura people are the master communicators of the world. They have the ability to convey their thoughts, ideas, views and concepts eloquently and charismatically. They make for excellent writers, poets and politicians.
Blue Aura people are also highly intelligent and very intuitive. They certainly have the head and heart balanced in making difficult decisions and choices. They are incredibly good organizers and can motivate and inspire others.
People who have a predominant amount of blue in their Auras are peacemakers and have the ability to calmly smooth out angry situations. They prize truthfulness, direct communication and clarity in all their relationships. The downside of the Blue Aura personality is that they can take on too much, become workaholics and neglect their personal relationships.

Blue communicates...

... it is the color of expression so when it appears in the aura colors of an individual you may be dealing with:

a teacher,
someone who does public speaking,
or perhaps someone who is simply self-expressed.
People with a great deal of blue are often very sensitive to and supportive of others.

If your aura is blue, you're intuitive and you love helping people. You remain calm during a crisis and others lean on you for support.
Appearing in the aura in a balanced way, BLUE attests to love, trust and truth, honesty, inner-wisdom, reliability, rest, manners, confidence, tranquillity, patience, co-operation, a forgiving nature, sensitivity, belief, inner-peace and inner-equilibrium, reticence, devotion and an awareness of the Divine.
If your main aura color is blue then it means that you are a very emotional person. You may emotionally react to any small expression directed towards you and you tend to cry about small things.
This color also indicates that you like to help others and are compassionate towards people. You like to be around people and you are usually relaxed and sure of your ability to live a good life.
If your aura appears to be electric blue, that means that you have made a connection with some non-physical entity and started channeling it.
Lots of BLUE in the aura indicates an artistic and harmonious nature and spiritual understanding.

Bright BLUE denotes confidence and self-reliance and indicates a more positive person than one whose aura radiates a paler BLUE shade.  People with bright BLUE in their aura are loyal friends and sincere and trustworthy people. 

LIGHT BLUE appearing amongst the other colours within the aura suggests softness, dedication to ideas and beliefs, conservatism, attraction to faith and/or religion, and sometimes voluntary solitude.
 You're truthful and serene, and you excel in all fields of communication.
Great healers have a rainbow aura.

Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming
Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication;truthful; intuitive

PALE BLUE is the colour of sensitivity.  It shows a heightening of emotions and imagination. 

SKY BLUE in the aura shows a strong intuition, gut-instincts and being highly perceptive.  Although these attributes may be quite powerful, it is often not consciously recognized as a ‘psychic ability’ or ‘power’ by the individual.

COLBOLT BLUE in the aura depicts pure intuition emanating from the higher mental levels.

ROYAL BLUE in the aura indicates honesty and good judgement and may also indicate a person how has (or is about to) find their chosen life work, life purpose and soul mission. It can also denote that the person is pursuing and serving their life path and purpose.

Darker shades of BLUE denote spiritual qualities and some deeper shades of BLUE can indicate a sense of loneliness, and on some levels, the deeper shades can also reflect a level of spiritual devotion. 

The muddier shades of BLUE reflect blocked perceptions and melancholy, worry and stress, rushing and feeling harried, fearfulness, domineering traits, forgetfulness and over-sensitivity.
Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth. You don't trust the future and can't face the truth because of your desire to take control. 
BLUE appearing in the aura in an unbalanced way indicates fears and anxieties, exaggerated restraint, a lack of involvement, solitude and seclusion, depression and
sadness, emotional coldness, passivity and self-pity.


BLUE is associated metaphysically with the Throat Chakra and thyroid gland. This Chakra is located at the front of the throat and the base of the skull, and is linked to the neck, arms and hands and is connected with speech and speaking our truths. It encourages clairaudience and spiritual communication, and corresponds with our ability to communicate with others.

The Throat Chakra is our ‘Communication Centre’, and when opened and balanced it encourages us to communicate how we feel and what we think with truth with clarity. Being associated with the Throat Chakra, BLUE encourages communicating outwardly how we feel, what we think and the words we use to express ourselves.

When the Throat Chakra is blocked we experience difficulties with communicating our thoughts clearly, and can be manipulative in our speech.  This can result in headaches and tension within the neck and shoulder muscles, and can manifest as colds, influenza, thyroid and/or hearing problems.

INDIGO AURA COLOR MEANING: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland.Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.This color represents the throat, specifically the thyroid. If your aura is blue, you're intuitive and you love helping people. You remain calm during a crisis. Others lean on you for support.
Indigo - You get glimpses into other worlds and are a wise seeker.
Royal blue - This means you are a highly-developed spiritual intuitive or clairvoyant. You have a very generous and giving spirit, and you are always open to new possibilities.

Indigo relates to the third eye and shows an intuitive and sensitive person.
It indicates an individual who may enjoy taking an interest in the paranormal or Extra Sensory Perception. Their attention wants to turn inwards.

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