Saturday, April 18, 2015



Pink - You're a loving person. Pink indicates an artist, a sensual person who appreciates the finer things in life. If you've recently fallen in love, you'll have a significant amount of pink in your aura. Psychically gifted people also have pink auras.
Dark pink - This color indicates deceit, dishonesty and an immature person.
PINK - Definition - unconditional love, gentleness, a wise councillor
Positive Side - A clear pink can indicate the person is a natural peace maker and friend to the vulnerable. Will feel close towards children and animals.
Negative Side - A harsh pink may indicate occasional over possessiveness in relation towards family and children.
A transparent pink may indicate emotional exhaustion, they have given to much to others emotionally. Coral Pink is a sign of unrequited love. A misty pink can indicate the person see other people points of view but can make their own decision without a firm direction.
Physical Associations - A vibrant pink indicates balanced emotions, regular sleep patterns they can maintain relaxation . The ability to heal especially with children and animals. A harsh pink can indicate they are inclined to get headaches or earaches. Transparent pink can indicate can indicate physical and emotional exhaustion.
Pink rules the head, the glands and all illnesses with psychosomatic origins. It is associated with all family ills and those connected with babies and children.
The chakra associated with this is the Heart Chakra

Pink Aura people are by nature loving and giving. They love to be loved too, they gather around them close friends and family at every opportunity. They like to host family events and are very generous of their time. They have a high regard for their health and will look after their bodies with good diet, nutrition and exercise.

Pink Aura people are very romantic and once they have found their soulmate will stay faithful, loving and loyal for life.
The Pink Aura individual is a natural healer, highly sensitive to the needs of others and has strong psychic abilities. They also have very creative ideas and strong imaginations. Because these personality traits the Pink Aura person makes great writers of novels, poetry or song lyrics.
The Pink Aura individual hates injustice, poverty and conflicts. They strive always to make the world a better place and will make personal sacrifices in the pursuit of this ideal.
Pink Aura people are strong willed and highly disciplined and will expect high standards from others. They have strong values and morals and seldom deviate from them. Because of their honesty and likable nature they are valued as employees but also make excellent employers because of their sense of fairness.
Pink-bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion;new or revieved romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.
In your aura, the color pink represents a loving person, shows a purity of intention and can indicate a strong love for art and beauty.

If you've recently fallen in love, you'll have a significant amount of pink in your aura. It can however also represent a lack of energy in a person.

Artists or sensual people who appreciate the finer things in life tends to have a lot of pink in their auras.
PINK in the Aura denotes femininity, emotionalism, sensitivity, yearning, sentimentality and softness.

A person with a lot of PINK in their Aura always indicates a very loving and giving person, and it also tells of a quiet, refined and modest type of person.  PINK in the aura denotes a quiet, refined and modest type of person and it is a colour that is seldom seen in a dogmatic type of person. Lots of PINK in the aura signifies a person with great lasting devotion.  It is the colour of compassion, love and purity.

Deep rose PINK is the symbol of unselfish or unconditional love. 

Muddy PINK reflects immaturity.

PINK in relation to the CHAKRAS

The Heart Chakra bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds.
PINK blends with GREEN to co-govern the Heart Chakra, and represents understanding, love and admiration.

The colour PINK resonates with the Heart Chakra, which is inline with the heart, in between the shoulder blades. The Heart Chakra is the ‘Harmonizing Element’, and gives one the ability to freely give and receive and to develop compassion when open and balanced.
When the Heart Chakra is blocked we experience anxiety, a lack of inner-strength, self-loathing and a lack of self-esteem. A blocked Heart Chakra leads to feelings of being unloved and unloveable, and an inability to attract love into our lives.
If your aura color is pink it means that you are a perfectly balanced person. You are very spiritual but you also love earth and live in the now.

This color is not common and it is usually only temporary color, it cannot stay for a long time.

Dark and murky pink: Immature and/or dishonest nature

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